Dear Roger,

    I am most interested in a detailed discussion of the

1) "preestablished harmony"
2) reflections or images
3) Tree-like structure
4) whatever might be "exterior" to a monad.

On 9/2/2012 2:19 AM, Roger Clough wrote:
*Toward emulating life with a monadic computer*
In a previous discussion we showed that the natural numbers qualify as
Leibnizian monads, suggesting the possibility that other mathematical
forms might similarly be treated as monadic structures.
At the same time, Leibniz's monadology describes a computational
architecture  that  is capable of emulating not only the dynamic physical
universe, but a biological universe as well.
In either case, the entire universe might be envisioned as a gigantic
digital golem, a living figure whose body consists of a categorical
nonliving substructure and whose mind/brain is the what Leibniz called the "supreme
monad". The supreme monad might be thought of as a monarch,
since it  governs the operation of its passive monadic substructures
according to a "preestablished harmony." In addition, each monad in the system
would possess typical monadic substructures, and possibly further monadic
substructures wuithin this, depending spending on the level of complexity
Without going into much detail at this point, Leibniz's monadology might be considered as the operating system of such a computer, with the central processing chip
as its supreme monad. This CPU continually updates all of the monads
in the system according the following scheme.  Only the CPU is active,
while all of the sub-structure monads (I think in a logical, tree-like structure) are passive. Each monad contains a dynamically changing image (a "reflection") of all of the other monads, taken from its particular point of view. These are called its perceptions, which might be thought of as records of the state of any given monad at any given time. This state comprising an image of the entire universe of monads,
constantly being updated by the Supreme monad or CPU. In addition to
the perceptions, each monad also has a constantly changing set of appetites.
And all of these are coorddinated to fit a pre-established harmony.
It might be that the pre-established harmony is simply what is happening
in the world outside the computer.
Other details of this computer should be forthcoming.



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