
The Church has gone beyond Acquinas. It has a mechanism for evolving.
Fundamentalist churches and temples and mosques have no such mechanism.
Do not call me dishonest. I am still waiting for a link to where
Leibniz himself says there is a supreme monad. That concept does not
appear in his Monadology.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 7:56 AM, Roger Clough <> wrote:
> Richard you are dishonest, especially if you are a catholic.  I have posted
> this statement from Aquinas' Summa
> (like a bible to the catholic faith) to you previously.  God is intelligence
> itself:
> God must be His own intelligence. Since “to understand” is second act, for
> example, to consider, whereas the corresponding first act is the intellect
> or knowledge,
> any intellect that is not its own understanding is related to its
> understanding as potency to act. For in the order of potencies and acts,
> what is first
> is always potential with respect to what follows, and what is last is
> perfective. This is true only with reference to one and the same being, for
> among
> different beings the converse obtains; thus a mover and an agent are related
> to the thing moved and actuated as act to potency. In God, however, who is
> pure act, there is nothing that is related to anything else as potency to
> act. Accordingly God must be His own intelligence.
> Furthermore, the intellect is related to its act of understanding as essence
> is related to existence. But God understands through His essence,
> and His essence is His existence. Therefore His intellect is His act of
> understanding. And thus no composition is attributed to Him by the fact that
> He understands, since in Him intellect and understanding and intelligible
> species are not distinct; and these in turn are nothing else than His
> essence."
> This also applies to the supreme monad.
> Roger Clough,
> 9/6/2012
> Leibniz would say, "If there's no God, we'd have to invent him
> so that everything could function."
> ----- Receiving the following content -----
> From: Stephen P. King
> Receiver: everything-list
> Time: 2012-09-06, 07:35:30
> Subject: Re: Two "Leibnizian" proofs that God has the power of
> self-reference
> Dear Richard,
>      Would it be a heresy to consider that God could have partial but
> not complete self-reference?
> On 9/6/2012 7:24 AM, Richard Ruquist wrote:
>> The Roman Catholic Church believes that god has intention but not
>> intelligence in agreement with Arithemetical Truth and neo-Platonism
>> concept that self-reference is not possible for god.
>> On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 6:40 AM, Roger Clough <> wrote:
>>> Since Leibniz's metaphysics is perfectly logical, any logical
>>> proposition is true of his metaphysics.
>>> Two "Leibnizian" proofs that God has the power of self-reference
>>> 1. All monads with intellect can presumably have self-reference.
>>> 2. God is also a monad with intellect, being the supreme monad.
>>> 3. Therefore God has the power of self-reference
>>> 1. God is all-powerful (can do anything).
>>> 2. Self-reference is a power.
>>> 3. Therefore God has the power of self-reference.
> --
> Onward!
> Stephen
> --
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