Hi Craig Weinberg  

My responses as !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Roger Clough, rclo...@verizon.net  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

----- Receiving the following content -----  
From: Craig Weinberg  
Receiver: everything-list  
Time: 2012-10-02, 15:54:01  
Subject: Re: The meaning of subjectivity and the importance of self (1p)  

On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 5:28:47 AM UTC-4, rclough wrote:  
Bruno and all,  

I have not infrequently brought up the need for a "self"  
in your models. Why do you need to include a self or 1p  
in your models ?  

There are two ways of looking at something:  

a) the objective material, which is the raw material  
without an observer. The impersonal, scientific version.  
This is just "stuff" and it has no meaning  
by itself. Peirce called it Firstness.  

CRAIG: This is the problem in my view. Matter isn't firstness, it is secondness 
or really half - of -  
firstness turned inside out.  

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are correct, my statement is wrong.  
There needs to be an experience which defines anything, as  
per Berkeley. You can't assume that 'without an observer' is one of the viable 
'ways of  
looking at something', as you have disqualified all ways of looking at anything 
from the start.  
It's confusing because as individual human beings, we are nested layers deep in 
personal and  
impersonal interacting levels of perception and participation. It's not that 
our perception  
creates matter it is that our perception of matter comes to us indirectly 
through the experiences of our body.  
The raw material is experience, not observerless theoretical concepts. 
Experience is concretely real, ideas of  
objective conditions which exist outside of all possibility of experience is 
ultimately nonsense (although seductive nonsense).  

b) a subjective account of the material, which  
is the meaning of the "stuff". It is the objective  
material filtered through an individual's consciousness.  
I think that is somehow related to 1p. It is  
the "stuff" as experienced, the meaning of the stuff.  
>From a particular point of view, such as an individual  
monad would perceive.  

Secondness is the meaning of the experience to the individual,  
or Firstness from a particular point of view.  

Thirdness is Secondness expressed to others.  

I think that looking at the raw stuff without filtering  
it through an individual's "eyes"-- the objective account--  
will not completely tell you how well that raw account  
emulates life. You need to 1p filter it to get its meaning.  

CRAIG : The 1p is not the filter, it is the 3p which is a lowest common 
denominator filter that is inter-monadic and virtual. Our 1p is a filter 
 of the multitude of sub-personal and super-personal 1p experiences associated 
with our cells, molecules, family, world, etc., 
 but it is not a filter of 3p external realities. I'm with Bruno on this as far 
as matter not being primitive but I don't say that it  
doesn't exist, only that it existence isn't as primordial as insistence. 
Extension supervenes on intention, not the other way around.  


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you like, but my point in using 1p is that there is no 
such thing as objective meaning. 
Meaning means meaning to you individually. And of course insistence is more 
primordial, but I had forgotten 
that you have to regurgitate how you interpreted something to others to make 
your interpretation  useful. 
So your 1p meaning is the true meaning as far as you are concerned, but it has 
to be converted to 3p 
to be useful right then. On the other hand your 1p interpretation if expresssed 
(or digitally, such as your view of a bridge as slightly distorted) may still 
be useful within 
the computation.   

Roger Clough, rcl...@verizon.net  
"Forever is a long time, especially near the end." -Woody Allen  

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