Dear Dan,

On Sun, Jan 27, 2013 at 11:41 PM, freqflyer07281972 <> wrote:

> Dear Telmo,
> With my recent post fresh in my mind, I think I can engage with you a bit
> on the meaning and purpose of meditation.
> I think the main point of meditation is to see 'what is' for 'what it is.'
> Nothing more, nothing less.

Sure, that's my understanding too.

> All 'other worlds, other universes, other possibilities' are phantoms of
> the mind.

Ok, but then I want to know what the mind is...

> For a simple proof of this, just consider the proliferation of various
> 'multiverse' interpretations of quantum mechanics! Meditation, though,
> grounds a person into themselves and into their environment.

Yes, but what are these things -- selves and environments?

> Perhaps in doing so, it makes you stop wanting things to be different than
> what they are,

That's good advice, but I find that the effort towards a TOE is motivated
mostly by a desire to understand, not for a desire for things to be
different. In my experience, people that think that the world should change
in a certain direction seem to have very definitive answers to these

> especially yourself. For it is only when you accept exactly who you are
> that you can live and act genuinely in the world. And because we are all
> individual and unique (redundant, i know), we all have to find this out for
> ourselves, since no one elses prescription will work for us, just like no
> organ from just anybody will work for ourselves in a transplant.
> Just my opinion, take or leave,

I'll take the wisdom but keep my doubts :)


> Best wishes,
> Dan
> On Thursday, January 24, 2013 10:17:49 AM UTC-5, telmo_menezes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I was thinking about meditation and how people report experiences of
>> "oneness with the universe", "non separation", etc.
>> Meditation is a process of quieting the mind. One could say reducing it's
>> complexity. Simpler states have more undistinguishable observer moments.
>> Could it be that what's happening is that the consciousness of the
>> successful meditator becomes identified with a larger set of states in the
>> multi-verse?
>> Just the sketch of an idea, sorry for the lack of rigour.
>> Telmo.
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