

The truth of your statement is no reply to my claim, that how another 

receiver of signs responds is irrelevant to your knowledge, save the one 

case of conveyance of knowledge between semiotic units; where you 

intend for knowledge to be conveyed.  In that case, it is behooving of 

the sender to ensure that the receiver can receive and understand the 

message.  In all other cases, the recipient response is irrelevant; all 

values and measures originate in the sender of the message.


The receiver of transmitted information is irrelevant to the mechanics 

of that transmission.




[] On Behalf Of Craig Weinberg
Sent: Saturday, March 02, 2013 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: Messages Aren't Made of Information


On Saturday, March 2, 2013 3:59:14 PM UTC-5, William R. Buckley wrote:


>I can use a phonetic transliteration to recite an Arabic 
>prayer without even knowing what words are being spoken, 
>let alone the meaning of those words. 

If your argument is that you have no knowledge of what you 
are doing, of the sounds you make in recitation, then you 
have capitulated. 

In performing the act described above, you know your purpose 
and how another receiver of those signs responds is irrelevant. 

There are multiple purposes and expectations. In reciting the prayer, I can
fulfill the expectations of Arabic speakers as far as proper diction. I can
fulfill the expectations of Arabic text recognition by faithfully matching
the correct glyphs with the expected phonemes. But no mater what I do, I
cannot fulfill any expectation of understanding verbal-semantic content of
what is being said.  I might be able to intuit some emotive content on the
onomatopoeic level, or by reading the emotional temperature in the room, but
my understanding still lacks an important level of communication. Even the
receivers are not equal. Young and old, religious and secular, each have
different ways of receiving the prayer.



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