In a conference Dennet said that a country with religious soldiers would be
defeated by a country ruled by  engineers and economists ". the audience
were well trained and educated atheists, but they couldn´t avoid to laugh
loudly at the end of the phrase.

The problem with Dennet and in general with the analytical philosophers
that are after to the discoveries of experimental science, is  the renounce
to hypothesize and even to despise whatever the experiemental science still
don´t know.  They have Cartesian Blindness. But scientists, at least the
bright ones are not blind. They ask themselves new questions and assume
hypothesis that others may discuss.

THe scientist did not studied religion. Therefore Dennet despise religion.
David Sloan Wilson is a evolutionary scientist that study religion from an
evolutionary point of view.. What DSW discovered was against the prejudices
of Dennet,  However Dennet accepted the arguments of DSW (there are some
videos out there), but that did not changed his prejudices. It is too old
and has invested too much on that.  Instead of extracting the consequences
and going further, creating new hypothesis for the advance of knowledge.

The classical philosopher is different. He confront the questions that
arrive to his mind directly. And what the classical philosopher as itself
is how to live, and this means to know himself and the other like him. That
means to discover the human mind and the highest level. And because in
order to live he act and think, he tries to know consciously what he do
unconsciously when he do and feel things.  That introspection method is
valid and good because he find that what he discover has a lot of common
things with what others say about their own introspections.  The concepts ,
entities o and their relation are the same. there are differences in the
rank of them and their names. This means that these concepts are universal.
For all humans.

 For sure, the modern reductionst scientists  will advance and study higher
level phenomena, and one day will aknowledge the work of the classical
philosophers. That is just happening now with the evolutionary scientists.

2013/9/12 Alberto G. Corona <>

> Every AI scientist, category theorist or semioticist, and cognitive
> psychologist just tries to redo the work of Aristotle or Spinoza with
> different names and in a donwgraded way, to fit the fashion prejudices and
> the needs of this time, that includes extreme reductionist scientifists
> like you.
> 2013/9/11 John Clark <>
>> On Wed, Sep 11, 2013  Bruno Marchal <> wrote:
>>  > Einstein read Kant, and loved Spinoza, and admit his influence in his
>>> own research.
>> He may have read and loved detective stories too. Einstein was interested
>> in things other than science, like politics, and those thinkers may have
>> helped him there, but not in his serious work. As for Spinoza, this is what
>> Richard Feynman had to say:
>> "My son is taking a course in philosophy, and last night we were looking
>> at something by Spinoza and there was the most childish reasoning! There
>> were all these attributes, and Substances, and all this meaningless chewing
>> around, and we started to laugh. Now how could we do that? Here's this
>> great Dutch philosopher, and we're laughing at him. It's because there's no
>> excuse for it! In the same period there was Newton, there was Harvey
>> studying the circulation of the blood, there were people with methods of
>> analysis by which progress was being made! You can take every one of
>> Spinoza's propositions, and take the contrary propositions, and look at the
>> world and you can't tell which is right."
>>  John K Clark
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> Alberto.


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