I would like to see us switch away from fossil fuels completely, of course,
but the road may be long and hard. I guess if there is an alternative to
the ICE it will come on line as people replace their vehicles, and of
course as you say power plants are a major part of this - being localised
 they can be replaced more easily than the vehicle infrastructure, but at
quite high initial cost.

About generating more petrol from the air than we burn - we'd have to
generate a lot before we got ahead of the curve on this, of course!
Probably far easier to do something else...

Apparently diamonds aren't forever, they burn at some relatively low
temperature - at last I've been told Fleming got that wrong in the
helicopter crash scene.

On 15 November 2013 16:43, Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> *From:* everything-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:
> everything-list@googlegroups.com] *On Behalf Of *LizR
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 14, 2013 7:20 PM
> *To:* everything-list@googlegroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: Global warming silliness
> Hi Chris
> Hi Liz
> I won't interleave my replies as I'm finding it quite confusing to follow
> who is saying what in reply to what, so apologies in advance if I miss
> anything.
> >> The suggestion about synthesising petrol from the atmosphere is of
> course very hypothetical at the moment. Supposing it could be done, I do of
> course realise that this would be recycling. The reasons to do it (in the
> short term, and assuming it's possible) would be to avoid having to
> reconfigure the existing infrastructure that has been built up over decades
> to supply petrol to cars, boats, planes, power plants, etc. With almost any
> alternative fuel supply this would need a massive (and non carbon neutral)
> overhaul to much of the world.
> True for vehicles – large thermal plants are a different matter. The
> existing deployed fleet of vehicles might have problems burning the
> particular hydrocarbon – for example alcohol as a fuel requires engines
> that can handle high ethanol content. My point: The hypothetical kinds of
> liquid hydrocarbons that could be synthesized might be impossible to burn
> in ICE engines designed for combusting gasoline (or diesel) I am arguing
> that the current fleet of vehicles is probably going to be obsoleted – even
> by a switch to a different liquid fuel (unless it is compatible with
> existing engines).
> Why not make the switch to all electric for ground vehicles – Ellon Musk
> apparently wants to make an electric airplane so maybe in the air as well.
> Of course current lithium ion battery technology does not have the
> volumetric or gravimetric density required, but battery technology is
> moving fast and lithium (and also zinc air) battery technologies are being
> developed that promise much higher energy densities (maybe Ellon Musk knows
> something).
> >>Why not use the energy more directly? - only because of the storage
> problem. One of petrol's big plus points is its high energy density (and
> actual density). It's a lot easier to cart around a tank of petrol than a
> tank of hydrogen or methane or some other gas, for example, or a battery
> full of electricity.
> I hear what you are saying and have said the exact same thing, when I have
> mentioned energy density of liquid fuels as being a reason one could make
> the argument for investing greater amounts of energy than could ever be
> extracted from burning them. It is because they are a high quality energy
> carrier – in terms of being able to stuff a lot of it – i.e. potential
> energy -- in a tank.
> >>There are many schemes afoot which could in theory revolutionise
> transport - the latest I saw was a New Zealand based idea to use induction
> from buried wires to charge electric cars as they move. This is fine,
> except that it doesn't work for planes or boats or for cars that aren't on
> a road equipped with the wires! And even getting it up and running for
> motorways would require digging up thousands of miles of road and filling
> it in again, not to mention equipping millions of cars with the necessary
> whatever.
> Interesting. Zinc or Lithium air batteries though would have the energy
> density to work for long distance air travel. Electric powered turbofan
> jets.
> >> One has the same supply problem with any power source - nuclear,
> solar, etc. You have to get the energy into cars, planes, trains etc. A
> good solution, in my opinion, would be to use the power plus the carbon in
> the air to create a fuel that cars, planes etc can run on. And if you can
> do it - very hypothetical at present - then maybe eventually you will even
> be able to get more carbon out of the air than is being emitted.
> How? As soon as you burn it you put it back into the atmosphere.
> >>On the subject of sequestration, plants are top of my list, but
> assuming that isn't possible, or not possible enough, is there no way to
> split the carbon atoms off from the oxygen (assuming lots of available
> energy, as usual!) and to turn it into - oh, I don't know. Diamonds,
> perhaps!
> Now diamonds are forever LOL
> Chris
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