2014/1/15 Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net>

> Quentin,
> You obviously have no idea what my argument is and thus can't properly
> comment on whether it is valid or not....
You make my point.... It's obvious, the problem is with me, not your theory.


> Edgar
> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 2:00:15 PM UTC-5, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2014/1/15 Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net>
>> Quentin,
>> If you are so sure about SR not falsifying block time you must be able to
>> recall my argument that it does in detail. Would you be able to explain
>> what is wrong with that argument specifically?
>> People have already done it... The main problem, is that there is *no*
>> universal common present time, it has been shown to you several time. But
>> you decided there is, you don't read proofs there is not (claiming SR
>> advocate a universal present time is such BS), you ignore them and pretend
>> you've demonstrated something when obviously you did not in any common
>> sense of the meaning of the word "proof"...
>> Do you actually remember the argument?
>> I do, it is plain BS.
>> Just stating your opinion that it doesn't is not sufficient....
>> I don't see a point now proving anything to you, you'll ignore it, and
>> tell others that to understand you theory, they have to understand first
>> your theory to understand your theory to understand your theory because
>> you're so obviously right and someone equiped with a brain should obviously
>> sees it.. it's so obvious.
>> Quentin
>> Edgar
>> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 1:30:25 PM UTC-5, Quentin Anciaux wrote:
>> 2014/1/15 Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net>
>> Jason,
>> 1. First I demonstrated that SR falsifies block time
>> You did not
>>  (by requiring a moving arrow of time and a present moment)
>> It does not...
>> , so since SR is well verified block time is false.
>> BS
>> Quentin
>> 2. I asked you around a dozen questions each homing in on another problem
>> with block time. I received no convincing answers to any of them that I
>> recall. Basically you just told me they weren't really problems without
>> giving any reasons why not.
>> 3. Then I asked you to clarify a couple of aspects of the structure of
>> block time (e.g. is it a continuum or sequential frames) which you were
>> unable to provide.
>> Please understand I'm not singling you out here. The problem is not so
>> much with your explanations as with the theory itself which is just not
>> tenable and which of course you are not responsible for....
>> Edgar
>> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 10:56:56 AM UTC-5, Jason wrote:
>> On Jan 15, 2014, at 6:36 AM, "Edgar L. Owen" <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>> Bruno,
>> Thanks for the correction.
>> But it's still just as bad to claim all arithmetic just sits there in
>> 'Platonia'. You still don't address the problem of how anything happens,
>> and how the universe gets computed. I know you claim that somehow movement
>> is an illusion of perspective from inside the system which sounds like the
>> nonsensical 'block time' universe, which no matter how many protest, is
>> riddled with contradictions and lacunas....
>> I don't recall you pointing out a single critique of block time for which
>> I or someone else did not offer a reasonable answer to.
>> Jason
>> Edgar
>> On Wednesday, January 15, 2014 3:04:30 AM UTC-5, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 14 Jan 2014, at 18:48, Edgar L. Owen wrote:
>> Liz,
>> Correct. Most reality math is likely fairly simple and fairly limited.
>> That's why Bruno's 'comp' that assumes all math exists out there somewhere
>> is so extraordinarily wrong and excessive and non-parsimonious.
>> I will stop comment, if you repeat false allegation already corrected in
>> previous posts.
>> I do not assume all math exists out there. Only arithmetic. "all math" is
>> an expression having no precise meaning. It means nothing, actually.
>> Now, if you believe that "29 is prime" does depend on you, show me the
>> functional relation between "29 is prime" and "you", with "you" defined
>> without using the notion of numbers.
>> Bruno
>> As for the grid cells on the GR rubber sheet model just imagine a
>> mass-energy content in one cell dilating it. That automatically produces a
>> curvature in the rubber sheet around that mass-energy consistent with the
>> effects of space curvature in GR.
>> Edgar
>> On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 12:52:24 AM UTC-5, Liz R wrote:
>> On 14 January 2014 16:49, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
>> Liz,
>> Sure, the particle property conservation laws that conserve the amounts
>> of particle properties in elementary particle interactions, and the laws
>> that govern the binding of elementary particles in matter. These are the
>> fundamental computations that determine most of the structure of the
>> universe....
>> ...
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