On 5 February 2014 12:53, meekerdb <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

>  On 2/4/2014 3:25 PM, LizR wrote:
> ..
> Well, we don't know if *anything* is really real. I wasn't intending to
> discuss metaphysics on this thread; if you want to do that, maybe you could
> start another one. All I'm arguing is that SR (and to some extent NM) imply
> a block universe as the simplest explanatory framework (via the usual
> application of Occam), plus throw in a few points about the circularity of
> competing explanations. If that's wrong then I will go out into the garden
> and eat worms, but I don't think that anything you're saying actual
> conflicts with that.... as far as I can tell. But then I'm not sure what
> point you're trying to make, unless you're just to take apart everything I
> say in order to make me look and feel stupid (which, you know, I can do
> quite well myself).
> My apologies.  That was not my intent at all and you are obviously a very
> smart person.  But I think we are talking metaphysics - at least Bruno is.
> His theory is pretty 'meta' relative to physics.
> Thank you, I do sometimes over-react.... sorry.

I was trying to not get into comp, because it entails a block universe (or
an "atemporal realm") so there's no point in attempting to use it as part
of an explanation of how BUs arise in SR, that would (presumably) be
circular. I just wanted to explain how SR (as commonly envisaged, at least,
by people explaining it "for dummies") gives rise to a block universe -
modulo the usual caveats about theories vs interpretations, etc.

Given that Edgar engaged the caps lock and started on some nonsense -
looking for quotes in which Newton claimed his undying belief in block
time, or whatever - I wanted to keep things as simple as possible, so even
he would have no (genuine) excuses to misunderstand the argument. I felt
that saying "you don't *have* to use a coordinate system..." was just
giving him more opportunities to get the wrong end of the stick and start
beating about the bush with it.

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