On 16 February 2014 12:45, Craig Weinberg <whatsons...@gmail.com> wrote:

Copy and self-copy are different, for machines too, but in the case under
>> study, this does not entail any observable difference, and if you are
>> right, it means that the copy doll will be a zombie.
> The reproduction of the amoeba's body is an approximate copy from our 3p
> perspective, but the Xp copier itself cannot be copied. It is not only
> unique, but it is uniqueness itself - meta-unique if you like. The Xp
> copier is consciousness, who provides both the meaning and the method of
> copying. All arithmetic truth relates only to the 3p view of Xp copying
> language.

OK, so if I understand you, there is an Xp copying process (i.e. one that
incorporates both meaning and method) that results in there being two
amoebae where previously there was one. You also seem to be saying that in
principle no 3p copying process can reproduce what the Xp process achieves
and as a consequence any products of a merely 3p process must be "dolls",
or lacking in meaning / consciousness. In terms of my LCD screen analogy,
the drama itself could manifest its own "LCD screen", but any character
that appeared on that second-order screen would be a mere unconscious
"puppet" with respect to the "authentic" characters of the main drama.

For that analogy to hold, it would imply that "real meaning" would inhere
only in the first-order machinations (if that's the appropriate word) of an
Xp reality, but not in any secondary recursions. If so, you appear to be
saying that any attempt on our part to 3p-copy a conscious entity would be
more or less analogous to the characters in a movie trying to breed new
characters by generating them on their own LCD screen rather than by
engaging in the customary biological manoeuvres (which in the analogy are a
first-order manifestation of the underlying Xp process instantiated by the
pixel-physics). Is that more or less it?


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