On Monday, February 24, 2014, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:

> Hi Stathis,
> First thanks for answering my questions that Jesse refused to answer.
> A few more questions if I may.
> 1. Are you a believer in a block universe, or are you just presenting the
> argument for it? The following questions assume belief.


> 2. You don't believe time flows, that everything in the block universe is
> completely static. Is that correct?

It feels like time flows but if I think about it I don't understand what
that really means. I could say that it's just an obvious, basic fact that
time flows or I could say that the idea of time actually flowing is
conceptually impossible.

> 3. So if we can prove that time does flow would that be sufficient to
> disprove a block universe?

Yes, though not its impossibility.

> 4. Do you believe that the appearance of time flowing, which we all have,
> is somehow a static perspective from some present moment along your
> historical worldline?

If we live in a block universe, yes.

> 5. Do you believe that the appearance of time flowing is due to a single
> static perspective from a single fixed moment along your historical
> worldline, or the transition of static perspectives similar to a sequence
> of movie frames?

Even if time does flow it's due to a single static perspective, since the
before and after moments aren't there.

> 6. In other words, does anything actually move in your block universe, or
> not?

If what we think of as movement is frames in a block universe then of
course there is actual movement.

> 7. If not, how can a completely static perspective generate the illusion
> of movement through time? I claim it cannot. It can generate a freeze from
> perspective only, not the illusion of movement.

Zeno discussed the impossibility of movement 2500 years ago and he didn't
assume either a block universe or quantised time.

> 8. Since a block universe contains every detail of every event in the
> entire history of the universe from beginning to end, and those details
> demonstrate immensely complex and consistent causal sequences, how could
> they have all been created at the same time Acausally? What physical
> mechanism could possibly work out all causal sequences without doing it
> temporally?

It's begging the question by assuming flowing time is coherent, correct and
the only way to account for stuff happening. In a block universe the causal
sequence exists without explicit ordering, as the natural numbers form a
sequence without being put in order one by one on a number line.

> 9. Do you agree that this creation event (of the entire universe from
> beginning to end) would have been the most enormously improbably creation
> ever imaginable, a creation event that makes the Biblical creation event
> seem reasonable by comparison?

No more than a non block universe creation.

> 10. If you think there was no creation event, that the block universe
> always existed, do you agree that the assumption that the whole universe
> from beginning to end is the most UNparsimonius assumption possible and
> thus is the most least likely assumption based on Occam's Principle?

No, there is less to explain if everything that can exist does exist than
if only a subset of the possible exists; for why that subset?

> Thanks,
> Edgar
> On Saturday, February 22, 2014 10:37:31 PM UTC-5, stathisp wrote:
> On Sunday, February 23, 2014, Edgar L. Owen <edga...@att.net> wrote:
> Jesse,
> 1. Do you agree you are actually a particular age right now today as you
> read this?
>  Not Jesse, but yes.
> 2. Do you agree that I am actually a particular age right now today as I
> write this, whether or not you know what that is?
> Yes.
> 3. Do you agree that we can both agree on those two ages?
> Yes.
> 4. Do you agree that if we were at the same location we would be in the
> same present moment?
> If we were at the same space and time location, yes.
> 5. Since you believe you are actually alive in every moment of your life,
> including every past and future moment, why is this particular moment the
> one you experience yourself in right now?
> That's sort of trivial if you look at it the right way. They are all
> different versions of me, and I'm the version of me who is writing this at
> the moment. Each other version of me would say something similar, that they
> are the version in their own here and now, and not any of the other
> versions.
> 6. Since you no doubt will claim that every one of your moment selves
> experiences itself in its present moment, then how do you explain your
> experience of time flowing from those past moments to the present one? And
> how do you explain that you have no experience of any of your future moment
> selves? If the past and present moments are equivalent, why are they not
> symmetrical in this respect?
> Block time is compatible with an arrow of time. As a model, consider a
> computer simulation running on two separate computers, A and B. A is
> simulating Monday and B is simulating Tuesday. The people simulated on B
> remember being the people simulated on A, but not vice versa, even though A
> and B are running simultaneously.
> Again I know this conversation won't go anywhere. It's like trying to make
> a logical argument to a cult member.
> And yes, our disagreement is p-time versus block time, because all your
> arguments are basically based on your conviction there is no such thing as
> an actual now, an actual present moment in which you exist and are actually
> a particular age.
> There's no special present moment. As an analogy, I feel that I am me, but
> there are many other people in the world who feel that they are themselves.
> I'm no more special than they are, and their sense of being themselves does
> not detract from my sense of being myself.
> If you could just accept that all my many arguments and examples would
> follow logically.
> Last question: Why do you act every minute of every day as if you live in
> a present moment through which clock time flows if it actually d
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Stathis Papaioannou

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