On 1 March 2014 06:42, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> On 27 Feb 2014, at 04:45, Jesse Mazer wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Edgar L. Owen <edgaro...@att.net> wrote:
>> Can you agree to this at least?
> To repeat what I said in my second-to-last post:
> 'If you continue to ask me "Do you agree?" type questions while ignoring
> the similar questions I ask you, I guess I'll have to take that as a sign
> of contempt, in which case as I said I won't be responding to further posts
> of yours. Any response is better than just completely ignoring questions,
> even if it's something like "I find your questions ambiguous" or "you've
> asked too many questions and I don't have time for them all right now,
> please narrow it down to one per post".'
> If you decide to treat me with the same basic level of respect I have
> treated you, rather than making a show of asking me questions while you
> contemptuously ignore my requests that you address mine, then I will keep
> going with this. If not, I have better things to do.
> I think some people does not argue, they fake it only. Edgar does not
> answer the question asked.

On most forums he would have been banned as a troll, because either (a) he
is too stupid to grasp the arguments of his opponents and give a rational
response or (b) he is deliberately refusing to do so. The polite assumption
is (b), which makes him a troll - someone who deliberately tries to provoke
arguments for their own malicious amusement. If this forum wasn't full of
saints, everyone would by now have given up talking to him. Instead,
because we tend to believe that everyone is rational and can be educated if
we try hard enough, we keep trying (I did for quite a while). But of course
a troll is, in game-theoretic terms, a defector in what is mostly a
community of co-operators. Hence they flourish for a while, until everyone
gets tired of hitting their head against a brick wall.

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