On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Chris de Morsella <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>wrote:

>> >>If most people can use less energy, and most people want to use less
>> energy, then why don't most people use less energy; why isn't energy
>> consumption going down?
> > Perhaps the fact that in just one year 2012, more than $500 Billion was
> spent globally on advertising of one form or another,
So you concede my point, most people do not want to use less energy. So
regarding your proposed solution of placing a enormous tax on energy I
repeat my question, if people won't voluntarily use less energy why would
they vote for politicians who make them?

>  materialism has been drenching our mind space
OK, but you almost make it sound like materialism is a bad thing.

>>And without cheap energy how are we going to fix nitrogen from the air to
> fertilize the plants that 7 billion people eat.
> > Permaculture has demonstrated high yield sustainable practice.
Point me to a farm which uses practices that can be scaled up enough to
feed 7 billion people that is not labor intensive, doesn't use insecticides
or herbicides or artificial fertilizer or fossil fuel to harvest crops and
get the food to the places where people live.

> agriculture is going to have to get off of its petro-chemical addiction;
> a terrible addiction that has led to wide spread mono-cropping (a
> biologically insane practice)
This terrible insane addiction is keeping 7 billion people alive.

> > Every single sector of modern life depends on petroleum products
Yes and environmentalists say we should stop doing that yesterday, and if
we take their advice people are going to die, lots and lots of people.

> Global oil production has peaked; the argument about it is over.
I don't think so, in 2006 the world produced 71,846,100 barrels of oil a
day, in 2011 it produced 72,888,600. And in the USA the situation is much
more dramatic, oil production rose more than half a million barrels per day
between 2007 and 2011 to the highest level in 15 years and in 2012 oil
production increased by 760,000 barrels a day, the largest yearly increase
since records about oil production started in 1859.

In natural gas liquids things are just as dramatic, production in the USA
reached a new all time record of 2.18 million barrels per day in 2011, an
increase of 400,000 barrels per day since 2007.

> what do we burn when we are done burning through the Soviet bomb uranium
> we got?
Switch to Thorium.  It would only take 2000 tons of Thorium to equal the
energy in 6 billion tons of coal that the world uses each year. There is
120 TRILLION tons of Thorium in the earth's crust and if the world needs 10
times as much energy as we get from just coal then we will run out of
Thorium in the crust of this planet in 6 billion years.

> Coal reserves are being slashed
Yawn, they've been saying that for well over 150 years.

And how are we going to fuel the farm equipment to harvest the crops? And
>> how are we going to refrigerate them? And how are we going to transport the
>> food from the farms to the cities where most of the people live?
> Again... we won't. Welcome to collapse.
A unusual combination of smugness and hopelessness is one of the less
endearing behavior patterns of the common tree hugging environmentalist.
Chris I have the distinct impression that if you don't see humanity hurting
very baddy pretty damn soon as just punishment for previous profligate ways
in a sort of half-assed morality play you will be severely disappointed.
Reminds me of preachers who babble on about how we're all sinners destined
for eternal hellfire, and to fundamentalist Christians who really look
forward to judgement day and the end of the world; that's why they scare
the hell out of me when they achieve positions of power in government.

  John K Clark

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