[] On Behalf Of Bruno Marchal


On 21 Apr 2014, at 01:39, Chris de Morsella wrote:


[] On Behalf Of meekerdb


On 4/19/2014 9:01 PM, Samiya Illias wrote:

Including Uri Geller, UFOs, a thousand people who want to "prove Einstein
wrong", Borley Rectory, the people trying to sell me something from Nigeria,
the Loch Ness monster, Ouija boards, Thor, Zeus, Odin and so on - yes, no
doubt one shouldn't dismiss anything, but life's too short not to


Too short, yes! Prioritize, yes!  Especially because if there is a purpose
to this life, and especially if there is more to life after death, and if
this short life is but a test, whose result is eternal, then we better study
earnestly. Difficult, yes, impossible, no! 

"It's an incredible con job when you think of it, to believe something now
in exchange for life after death. Even corporations with all their reward
systems don't try to make it posthumous."
    ---- Gloria Steinem, women's rights activist


And how could it be otherwise. religion has always been a tool of the state
to mind control the slaves with promises of rewards in the thereafter in
exchange for loyalty, obedience and service throughout the span of actual
life; balanced with threats of eternal damnation for falling out of line.
The narrative of religion after religion seems tailor made, -- by their acts
shall they be known -- for the imposition of the centralized authority
totalitarian mindset. Marx got it right when he compared it to Opium; and I
apologize for hurting anyone's feelings who may believe in some deity or

I think it is important to distinguish the pursuit of self-awareness,
enlightenment, transcendence, spiritual self-realization. these are
exquisitely personal acts and pursuits that have mostly been discouraged,
frowned upon and often repressed by force and threat by the forces of
organized religion. Free thinking and the spirit of questioning dogma is not
something any religion tolerates (except in rare moments of flowering, say
the Golden period of Moorish Cordoba)



>>Indeed. As Einstein knew, even the religion of "free-thinking" generates
its own dogma. Free thinking is a protagorean virtue: it obeys []p -> ~p. I
got evidence from Brussels university, where you have to sign an allegeance
to "free-thinking", and then have to defend dogmatically Aristotelian
theology, i.e. the belief in a *primitive* physical  universe.


Hehe how exquisitely ironic J -- and emphatically yes I agree LOL the "cult
of free thinking" is every bit as much of a mind fuck as any other dogma.
These people sound like they aspire to become clowns I hope at least they
are funny. nothing sadder than a clown who can't get a laugh. People reveal
themselves, far more, by their actions than they do by their professions. 


>>So genuine free thinker will think freely without ever saying that they
are thinking freely. They will simply never use such an expression, except
in meta-debate where free-thinking is the object of discussion.


Agreed. in a similar way those who proclaim that they know, most often do
not! As those who - at least know better <grin> -- simply smile and say
nothing. American culture has this somewhat annoying phrase "think outside
of the box". annoying to me often, because it is tossed out there. often in
a rote learned manner, empty of any real spontaneous thought or actual real
intent to put what has been verbally proclaimed into practice.. A formulaic
waste of mind space. Even if the words do point at something; it is the use
and the robotic mandatory throw it out there kind of way in which it is
tossed into discourse. often, in my experience by mediocre mid-level
corporate bureaucrats who seem to feel that they - by this empty act -
anoint themselves with the tag of one who thinks outside of the box


Note that believing in the God of comp entails the practice of
free-thinking, as faith, here,  will invite reason to not fear any argument.

Only bad faith hides data and fear theories.


At some level, there is only that, which is personally experienced... each
has to know God on their own, by their own way, in their own heart. No one
can - beyond, perhaps pointing out the way to some extent -- teach or lead
anyone down this path. A spiritual quest is quintessentially a personal












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