On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 11:35 PM, LizR <lizj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The point that Krauss fails to address is precisely that - why there is
> something rather than nothing.

Have you actually read the book? It sure doesn't sound like you did.

> Going from "almost nothing" (the quantum vacuum, say) to something is,
> simply, starting from something.

And Krauss spend several chapters on this exact point.

> That's fine from the viewpoint of the continuing saga of physics, which
> doesn't attempt to address fundamental questions (like why is there
> something rather than nothing)

Although he hasn't even claimed to have a proof and admits he could be
wrong Krauss gives a rough outline of how you might be able to go from
nothing to something. And Krauss goes into great detail about what we mean
by "nothing". Until very very recently empty space would have been
considered nothing, certainly the authors of the Bible or the Quran would
have thought so, but now we know that the vacuum is a seething hive of
activity at the Planck level. But the starting point for Krauss isn't the
vacuum, he doesn't even assume the existence of space or time. But perhaps
even that sort of nothing isn't nothing enough for you because although it
doesn't consist of energy or matter or space or time it does have the
potential to become something. But what do you expect him to do, explain
how a nothing that can NOT evolve into something evolves into something?

And how is science's competitor doing in answering all hese big questions?
Religion can't explain diddly squat.

  John K Clark

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