On Sun, Oct 19, 2014  Platonist Guitar Cowboy <multiplecit...@gmail.com>

> I will no longer respond to your "queries" on this

Mr. Cowboy, I just asked for one clear specific example of something the
God theory can explain, but all all got was more bafflegab; well I don't
need you to find bafflegab.

> > You confuse this for "style", "class", "appearance beauty queen
> intellect science prize exhibition points" or "politeness" or something,
> which is your right. You don't need the canned responses; have some faith
> in yourself without the bombastic exhibitionism! You can live without
> spamming us with your childhood experience and still make precise points.

*But if such a sublime cyborg would insinuate the future as post-Fordist
subject, his palpably masochistic locations as ecstatic agent of the
sublime superstate need to be decoded as the 'now-all-but-unreadable DNA'
of a fast deindustrializing Detroit, just as his Robocop-like strategy of
carceral negotiation and street control remains the tirelessly American one
of inflicting regeneration through violence upon the racially heteroglossic
wilds and others of the inner city.*

> I know you keep "demanding hard evidence". As I outlined numerous times,
> this is false problem, too needy on consistency and perhaps theologically
> naive. But you always reason like that and judge/berate other for being
> different, so no surprise.  You want an example that set theoretic
> objects might in weak sense bear relation to "god"? You can take Lebowski
> machine's refutation, which is better than you're, again authoritative
> bossy, "no!" above to Plotinus (again being absolute/radically certain in
> negation offering no reasoning) but also communication between Cantor and
> church.

*But the lure of imaginary totality is momentarily frozen before the
dialectic of desire hastens on within symbolic chains.*

> I am convinced for now you are playing weird/creepy psychological games
> and being silly bully about it, with stuff to prove to themselves.

*It may be weird/creepy but t**he visual is essentially pornographic, which
is to say that it has its end in rapt, mindless fascination; thinking about
its attributes becomes an adjunct to that, if it is unwilling to betray its
object; while the most austere films necessarily draw their energy from the
attempt to repress their own excess (rather than from the more thankless
effort to discipline the viewer). **To this end, I must underline the
phallicism endemic to the dialectics of penetration routinely deployed in
descriptions of pictorial space and the operations of spectatorship.*

  John K Clark



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