On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 2:36 AM, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 18, 2014  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:
>> >>>  "why is there something rather than nothing?" is a badly posed
>>> question,
>  >> I don't think so, it may or may not have a answer, nobody knows, but
>> it's a perfectly clear unambiguous question. And if not from nothing
>> science can at least provide a pretty good road map to explain how
>> something came from *almost* nothing. And that's not a bad days work.
>> > You miss the point that the current explanation fails to explain three
>> important things: matter (where does it comes from,
> Oh for heaven's sake, read Lawrence  Krauss's book "A Universe from
> Nothing", or at least read some book on Cosmology written in the last 20
> years.
>> > the quantum vacuum explanation assumes a lot
> It assumes that nothing at least has the potential to produce something,
> what is the alternative? Do you want science to explain how noting could
> produce something even if the nothing doesn't even have the potential to
> produce something? Don't you think that may be just a tad unreasonable?
> And whatever misgivings you may have about science failing to fully
> explain some subtlety remember that the God theory can explain absolutely
> positively NOTHING, zero zilch nada goose egg.

"Whatever misgivings you may have...remember..." = "Whatever you say...I
will have my canned spam message to place right here...".

Being our humble scientific role model again?

That's exactly the attitude that many atheist scientists accuse religions
of. "Don't doubt, remember my holy message, whatever you say... Wow calling
a guy..."

Lebowski caricature in Hollywood flick quote above utters perhaps a
stronger statement:

"Yeah, well... that's just like your uhmm.. opinion, man." PGC

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