On 20 Oct 2014, at 21:42, meekerdb wrote:

On 10/20/2014 9:52 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 19 Oct 2014, at 22:13, meekerdb wrote:

On 10/19/2014 8:12 AM, Jason Resch wrote:
I don't recall Bruno ever csaying if you don't believe in something then you believe in it.

What he's said is that atheists defend/support/reinforce the same idea/conception of god that the literalist or fundamentalist abrahamic religions use.

Atheists can't say there is no God without defining what they mean by God,

Yeah, they tend to be rational like that.

and invariably they choose some variant of an omniscient omnipotent creator who answers prayers and judges us, rather than any of the myriad of other conceptions of god.

Maybe it's because they speak the same language and that's what "theism" means.

In this way, atheists pretend there is only one acceptable definition and will usually fight to say that it is only definition, or the one everyone means, or believe the one all believers believe in.

That's a perfect case of defending the idea of what God is or can be, even if it is only to then attack the idea. Honest theistic reasoning would use logic to say, "okay perhaps God cannot be this, but we have not ruled out these other possibilities which are as far as we know not inconsistent",

Other possibilities for *what*? What is the thing? What are its essential properties? What is its definition? They start with a word, a few attributes, and an emotional attitude and they seek a definition they can attach them to. Which would be OK, except they insist that the word "God", which already has millenia of baggage, must apply. That's my complaint with Bruno. He explicitly renounces all that baggage, but he still wants to use the word "God".

I do not renounce all that baggage. I believe in the God of Einstein, and in the theology of Gödel, that is the idea that we can make precise some notion,

Some notion of *what*?

Some notion of the religious field, like God, heaven, afterlife, incarnation, reincarnation, etc.

and reason on them (Einstein was neutral on this, yet seems to get the Gödel point that mathematics can be used for very fundamental inquiry, as I discovered in the book of Yourgreau.

You might read the nice book by Jammer on "Einstein and religion". All his life Einstein will insist that he is not an atheist, yet that he disbelieve, with variours degree along his life, the traditation which can get attacehd with such beliefs).

It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious
convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do
not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but
have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be
called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the
structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
     ---Albert Einstein, 1954, "Albert Einstein: The Human Side"

You quote of the context/ In the full context, or in similar explanation, Einstein insist that he believes in God. And yes, he did not believe in a personal god, meaning a god who would be a person. Actually I tend to think that Einstein believed that God is the primitive physical universe. Unlike physicalist, he knew that was enough for not being an atheist. To believe in a primitive physical universe is a theological belief, and evidences existed until QM developed. Now we have evidence this makes no sense. Note that Gödel succeeded in mlaking Einstein accepting that may be the universe was not primitive. Gödel was clar on this: I do not believe in the natural science, he said once. Read the book by Jammer, it makes clear why Einstein insisted all his life of not being an atheist. The reply you quote came Einstein being nervous with those who tried to use that for attributing to him a support in a *personal* god (meaning a god which is a person).

And Gödel proved the existence of God, using Anselmus definition, in the alethic philosophy, that is in the Leibnizian modal logic S5 (S4 + <>p -> []<>p) (Kripke: R is reflexive, transitive and symmetrical, which is about equivalent with no accessibility relations at all).

That proves nothing, of course, but about reality, nothing proves anything.

But some things provide evidence.

The existence of the universe is (for many) an evidence. Again, not for a personal god, or a fairy tale god, or any god used by politicians. But for a god in the platonist sense, which is at the origin of science. That god is either the universe (Aristotle) or something else (Plato).

To distinguish the terms reality = universe = god = truth = etc. are, when we start from zero, is a sort of 1004 fallacy.

Or also reality = illusion = hope = ignorance = falsity = delusion = etc. Fortunately we don't start from zero. We start from 350yrs of science and a billion years of evolution.

But we have failed until now on consciousness, and so must be open to change our mind.

I suspect that you keep wanting using the notion of God of the politicians, instead of using the original definition, but then theology will remains irrational for that reason.

The abstract definition of the (unique) god is the creator of the universe, or the reason of the universe, etc. but in a large sense of creation.

A very large and very flexible sense, so that we can keep the word "creation" (in order to keep the baggage implying a Creator).

In science we use terms in large sense until we get precision. People who say I don't believe in God, means always I don't believe in this or that god from this or that community.

I use god in the original sense of whatever is responsible for the creation or its appearance. Then comp and the classical definition of the greeks leads to a Plotinus conception of reality, explaining both the qualia, the quanta.

It is the (apparently) transcendental "reason" of your conscience, and perhaps some stable neighborhoods.

Einstein insisted that it was not a personal God, meaning a God- person. But with comp, like with Plotinus, a non personal fundamental truth can take personal aspects when filtered by persons and their (infinities) of brain (bot in QM and arithmetic).

I think Dan Dennett would call that a deepity.


By the way, John Clark said that I love the term "God", but you will not see it in any of my papers, or posts, except in this forum. probably someone uses it, and I have continue. But I do defend the term "theology", because when we don't use it, people believe we talk on the physical universe. It prevent a form of reductionism also, by people who believe that mechanism is a materialist theory, and stop reading without understanding that materialism and mechanism are epistemologically incompatible.

rather than "we have ruled out this definition of god, and it is the only definition, therefore there is no god"

Yes, that's exactly the approach taken by theologians.

I am not sure of that. I mean no more than in biology and health, when health is politicized. I have tuns on book on ancient philosophy and religions.

I mean, as long as theology does not come back in academy, you have to guess the meaning of the text hidden from the presentation of the local coersive institution(s). That was the case for all science + theologies before the Light period. Why is it that we continue the argument of authority in that field?

Yes, that it a point on which we agree. Let theologians publish or perish, in the Physical Review.

Why in the "physical review"? I can understand in case god is the physical universe, but that is exactly what today is less sure. What we need is a theological review, not based on revelation or confessional dogma, but on research and verification. Today it is an open problem if the ultimate reality is physical, mathematical, arithmetical, etc.

First they take a word "God" and then they see if they can give it some meaning that makes them feel good.

It might not be good. usually the idea that God is good is advertizing for a church or a tradition.

It's part of that baggage you don't renounce.

I certainly hope that god, if it can have personal aspect, (like the comp first person, or Plotinus "universal soul" is good), but it is an open question.

We just don't know, and as scientist we must be able to say: we are still searching.

Physics is a science.

But physicalism is only a science when he put the axiom on the table: God = the physical universe.

I've never heard that said nor seen it written.

yet, it is close to Einstein God, although he begun to doubt on this when discussing with Gödel, where God is closer to Xeusippes "mathematical universe". In his youth, Einstein, like Gödel, tended to believe in Leibniz notion of God.

I've seen, "God is love." Which is a better definition from which to prove God exists.

Or don't exist. The idea that God is love is the one leading to theodicy. How could a loving God let innocent children suffers for no apparent reason. Many lost faith on this.

That is not physics, that is a theology, and rather unprecise because the "universe" is not so easy to define in physics, per se.

It's not precise because physics depends on operational and ostensive definitions - not semantic ones.

To do physics, yes. But to do metaphysics/theology, you need to be more precise on such notion.

Is that God a person? Even this is not an easy question.

But it has an easy answer for Christians, Muslims, Jews and their theologians.

Read them, and you will see that this has always been much discussed. But christians and muslims have dark ages where they bannish or killed the theologians.

Is that god coherent with mechanism? Not without adding magical non Turing emulable actual properties of the "primary matter".

?? Persons are not "coherent" with mechanism?  What's that mean?

The idea that the outer god, the one, is a person is not coherent with mechanism. But the outer god is the one having a "universal soul" points of view, and that one is coherent, and indeed implied, by mechanism.

So what? With comp, whatever Reality is, we can't distinguish it in the immediate first person ways from the arithmetical truth, but on the long run it is another matter, and we can make a distinction.

I'm never sure how to take pronouncements that start "with comp..." I don't know whether you mean what follows directly from "yes doctor"

The UDA theorem: that is the reversal between physics and machine's psycho-bio-theo-whatever-logy. the quasi Drawinian explanation of the origin of consciousness and of the physical laws. The fact that the physical reality is a universal machine appearance coming from the statistics of machines dreams (computation + a point of view).

or what you claim must be the case if the world is the computation of a UD,

That is digital physics, and is inconsistent, with or without assuming comp. Comp implies that physics (the observable) cannot be entirely computable (like most of the (full) arithmetical reality is already not computable).

Hmm, may be you meant "the world is an appearance emerging from the computation of the whole UD? OK, then.

even if you haven't worked out the details.

Saying that there is no theology is like saying that we do have the theory of everything.

Don't you have a theory of everything, i.e. CTM + UD?

CTM implies the UD (CTM + UD is redundant).

And CTM is a principles, which asks more question than it solves. But yes, CTM implies that arithmetic is a theory of everything, but we must test it, and verified that it gives the physics we observe before saying that we get a theory of everything. It is only a proposal, and my work shows how to verify it. Thanks to QM we can just say that it is not yet refuted.

But we don't, and the "physical" one are still concentrating on the measurable and communicable aspects on it.

In the fundamental, physics and computer science are ally, and can be competitors for the primary character.

Is God a person? In some tradition,if someone come up with the idea that he is God, the other burned him alive or sent him in an asylum. In other tradition, if someone come up with the idea that he is God, the other says "at last! It was about time" ...

"In some tradition"!? In some tradition blacks are subhuman, the Earth is flat, disease is caused by sin, heretics are burned, apostates are beheaded,... You can find almost any idiocy in some tradition.

Sure. That is why we have to think, instead of taking literally the tradition. But I was pointing on the idea that some tardition and thus of use of the term god, allow people to awake the god within. Put differently, some religion hides their mystic (even if recuperating them after trhey die). Other tradition encourages the personal religious experiences. Mystics usually get a better view of the person/ non-person subtlety of god, well analysed among the neoplatonists.

But notice that they capitalize it already, implying it is a person. "Honest theistic reasoning" is like "faith based evidence".

You have to study neoplatonism, to have a monotheist religion as an attempt to get a theory of everything, independent of "revelation", which are authoritative at the start.

The political discourse matters, and explains a good deal. But
there's something beneath it, something we don't want to look in
the face: namely, that in India, as elsewhere in our darkening
world, religion is the poison in the blood. Where religion
intervenes, mere innocence is no excuse. Yet we go on skating
around this issue, speaking of religion in the fashionable
language of "respect". What is there to respect in any of this,
or in any of the crimes now being committed almost daily around
the world in religion's dreaded name? How well, with what fatal
results, religion erects totems, and how willing we are to kill
for them! And when we've done it often enough, the deadening of
affect that results makes it easier to do it again. So India's
problem turns out to be the world's problem. What happened in
India has happened in God's name. The problem's name is God.
    --- Salman Rushdie 2002

No. the problem is not God. The problem is when God is abandonned to politics which will use it to exploit supersitition,credulity and fears.

The problem is not God, it is our lack of seriousness around that notion.

The christian stolen the legend to the jews, and the theory to the greeks, among two.

If computationalism is correct, it might be that they choose the wrong one.

But that is not the bigger problem for religion. The problem are the possible literalism, the dogma, the use of violence, the lack of listening the community of believer, the lack of democracy in some community, and the lack of seriousness due to the discarding of the role of the academical research on the subject (at least explicit research).

In other words, no true religion would do those bad things and no true theologian would accept revelation as evidence.

Like no true genetician would sent geneticians to the goulag, yes. We know some "marxist geneticians" did this, and indeed they used the book "Capital" by Marx in a manner similar to the violent religionists.

And no honest theologian scientist would ever base a proposition from an account of experiences, still less a "revelation". They might take into account many experiences though, but they will build a theory, and never hide the fact that a theory is an hypothesis (independently of their personal beliefs, which will never been expressed in their argument. Only after retirement, or in footnotes or philosophical reflexion, not in the science part.



Only bad faith fears reason, experiments and experiences.


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