LizR wrote:
On 25 February 2015 at 10:52, Bruce Kellett < <>> wrote:

    LizR wrote:

        On 24 February 2015 at 14:23, meekerdb <
        <> <
        <>>> wrote:

And I don't see anything incoherent about true randomness. We seem
            to have done well with it for a century.  If you can accept
            randomness due to ignorance which can never be informed, why not
            inherent randomness.

        It is of course possible that the universe works on "oracles"
        like this, this is just my personal bias towards explanations
        that don't require infinite amounts of "in-principle unknowable"
        data to be injected into physics. But I admit I could be wrong
        to have that bias.

    You must have difficulty with quantum mechanics, then. QM is built
    on a lot of "in-principle unknowable" data. Hidden variable theories
    of QM do not really work, so that in radioactive decay, for
    instance, the time of any particular decay, and whatever it might be
    that caused that nucleus to decay now rather than at some other
    time, is "in-principle unknowable".

    MWI simply formalizes the fact that such data are "in-principle

It seems to me that the MWI explains, in principle, where the data come from - from first person indeterminacy. That isn't the same as spontaneous generation of random data from nowhere.

First person indeterminacy is just another name for "in-principle unknowable"!


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