On 01 Mar 2015, at 02:29, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 1:48 PM, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote: >> 2) Like Everett Bruno is interested in predictions but unlike Everett Bruno thinks that good predictions are the key to personal identity, and that's just nuts. The sense of self depends on the past not the future. You remember being Russell Standish yesterday so you feel like Russell Standish today, but if one of your predictions was false and things didn't turn out as you expected (and I imagine that has actually happened to you at some point in your life) you'd still feel like Russell Standish, you'd just feel that you've made a mistake. Bruno has got it backwards, he's trying to push on a string.

> Personal identity is irrelevant in the FPI.

OMG, that means I've forgotten what the "P" in Bruno's juvenile homemade acronym stand for, or you have. And what about all the peepee stuff Bruno is always talking about?

We have discuss this before. You are deliberately confusing. The P is for Person, and the I for indeterminacy. As we have already explained to you the FPI avoid the need to define personal identity, above the fact that we accept we survive with an artificial brain.

In that case we can say clearly and without ambiguity that assuming computationalisme and the correct susbstitution level choice:

1) the guy in Helsinki does survive at W and at M, seen from a third observer (the 3p view).

2) the guy in Helsinki will survive from its 1p view at W or at M (and that his confirmed by all the diary)

With the usual protocol.

> Only personal experience is considered.

Who's personal experience?

All the possible one appearing in the thought experience.

> With experiments like the quantum erasure, you are forced to identify your self with multiple past entities.

I don't identify with multiple past entities and I'm quite certain you don't either, I only remember one.

> Why do you seem to have so much trouble with the same when its in the other direction of time?

Because I can remember the past but not the future. Tell me, when things don't turn out as you expected them to do you feel like you've lost your personal identity?

> You admitted earlier that an AI within a forked computer simulation where one thing differed in each instance of the simulated environment would experience the fork as subjective randomness.


> Keep going from there.

I need better transportation than that! The vehicle provided is "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll find" and it's difficult to go very far with a old broken down vehicle like that. > 3) With Everett the meaning of the personal pronoun "you" is always obvious, it is the only person that the laws of physics allow me to observe that fits the description of Russell Standish, but in a world with matter duplicating machines as in Bruno's thought experiments there are 2 (or more) people who fit that description, and so the word "you" is ambiguous and conveys zero information. Bruno says he wants to explain the nature of personal identity but then without a second's pause acts as if the concept of personal identity was already crystal clear even though in his thought experiments such concepts are stretched about as far as they can go. In such circumstances to keep using personal pronouns with abandon as Bruno does without giving them a second thought is just ridiculous.

> When one starts trying to define you, you get into questions of personal identity.

If it has nothing to do with personal identity (!) then when when Bruno uses the personal pronoun "you" as he does with reckless abandon in his "proof" what is John Clark supposed to make of it?

To take into account the fundamental key distinction between the 1p and 3p view, well defined at the beginning of the post and papers.

> When one talks about a subjective first-person experiences of two third-personal identifiable duplicates, there's no need for personal identity to come into it.

It does when in Bruno's "proof" he goes on and on about how "you" will expect to see this and that but "you" will not expect to see that and this.

Yes, but for a reason that Jason and Quentin proved to you to be equivalent with the use of it in the MWI where you accept the use of probability. Your argument that in one case the doppelgangers can met and not in the other case has been shown unconclusive, more than one time.

Imagine that the guy in Helsinki is told that soon after the reconstitution in W and in M, he will be killed, in both place, in such a way that none have the time to meet their double. In that case probabilities would suddenly make sense, according to your criteria. But then they continue to make sense even if we change our mind and don't kill the guy in both place.

I am aware of your hand-waving. I answer in case someone is not aware of it.

You have never given one rational reason to not move to the fourth step of the argument.

You only use insult, dismissing, exclamation point, and repeat questions already answered by many people.

You lost the point, and your persistent deny of this looks more and more like trolling.


  John K Clark

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