On 23 April 2015 at 19:52, Dennis Ochei <do.infinit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In the thread discussing comp the topic of whether uploading is possible came 
> up. While tangentially related to comp, objections on the grounds of 
> practical impossibility miss the point. But! The topic is still very 
> interesting.
> Is uploading possible? If so, when will we have it?
> What fidelity is necessary?
> Will the upload still be you?
> Would you sign up for a destructive upload? Conservative?
> Feel free to toss any other questions into the mix.
> For the record, I think uploading is possible, that destructive uploading 
> will come way sooner, I'm uncertain about fidelity, but I do think there 
> could be a functional isomorphism that doesn't depend on on a structural one, 
> i.e. 100 simplified neurons might be required to capture the behavior of one 
> physical one. The substitution level i think is subcellular. I think 
> uploading perserves identity and I might actually prefer a destructive 
> upload, when I consider the disappointment of the me that wakes up still 
> flesh and bone after a conservative upload.

I'd say a simulation at the level of macromolecules would be
necessary: the type, number, approximate location of proteins. Above
that there is cellular anatomy and synaptic connections. Below that
there are small molecules such as neurotransmitters and ions, which
can be modelled from generic knowledge of neurons. It would be a
relatively straightforward matter to run the model and compare with
real neurons. The Blue Brain Project people think they will be able to
simulate a generic human brain by 2023, and then it would be several
more steps before a particular brain could be simulated - but I
suspect these guesses, like "when will we have human level AI" - will
keep being pushed back. If it behaves just like me then I would be
confident that the upload is me, and I wouldn't mind a destructive

Stathis Papaioannou

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