On 18 May 2015, at 18:46, John Clark wrote:

On Mon, May 18, 2015  Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

>> Well then let's make this simple, just use your patented way to make calculations without using matter or energy or any of the laws of physics and tell me what the factors of 3*2^916773 +1 and 19249 × 2^13018586 + 1 are.

> Opportunist fallacy.

Fallacy my ass! Science demands evidence, if somebody claims they can cure cancer the claim is not enough, even a detailed description of how they intend to cure cancer is not enough, they must actually cure cancer. And so I don't want to hear any more about how you can make a calculation without using matter or energy or any of the laws of physics, I want you to actually do it. Just do it and you've won the argument.

Straw man fallacy. Nobody can do a physical computation out of a physical reality. The question is not about doing a computation, but about the existence of computation in the block-mind offred by the (sigma_1) arithmetical reality, which provably emulates all computation, but obviously not in a physical, or locally reproductible way. Indeed the physical will emerge from those computations, "already there" in the block-mind or block-computer science reality.

>>>> if you agree that 2+2=4, and if you use the standard definition, then you can prove that a tiny part of the standard model of arithmetic run all computations.

>>>> The word " run" involves changes in physical quantities like position and time. And what sort of thing are you running these calculations on?

>>> No: "run" is defined mathematically, without any reference to physics.

>>Yes, so I guess you retract your previous comment and now realize that you can't "run all computations" or run any computation at all without making use of the physical.

> ?


>>>> The set of all true statements is contained within the set of all statements, the trick is to separate the true from the false.

>>> We cannot separate them mechanically, but we can separate them mathematically,

>> Wow that is wonderful news! Since you know how to separate truth from falsehood mathematically you know if Goldbach conjecture is in the set of all true statements or in the set of all false statements and thus you have won the argument. Ah but by the way, which is it?

> To separate mathematically does not mean to separate effectively.

"Effectively" means in such a manner as to achieve a desired result,

With CT, it means computably.

so if you desire to separate all true statements from all false statements and can do it but not do it effectively then you can do it but you can not do it. Do think maybe just maybe there might be something a bit wrong with that?

Then you defend intuitionism, and we are out of computationalism. I have explained that there is no possible effective way to separate the code of total and strictly partial program, but to have Church thesis, we need an enumeration of all (strictly or not) partial computable functions, which will mix the total and strictly partial functions in a non computable, non effective way. Actually, I gave you other arguments, but you have never answered them, so I am not sure all this is not, like in step 3, pure rhetorical hand waving. In this case, you abandon the excluded middle principle, which is in comp, by definition, as you need it to have the classical Church thesis. Most theorems in theoretical computer science are not constructive, like in the usual math, and in computer science many of them are provably necessarily non constructive (unlike the usual math where we don't know, in most case).


  John K Clark

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