On 21/06/2016 3:14 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:
On 20 Jun 2016, at 04:00, Bruce Kellett wrote:
On 20/06/2016 4:09 am, Brent Meeker wrote:

The alternative, which Bruno actually suggested once but disowns, is for explanations to form a "virtuous circle" in which everything is explained in terms of other things ultimately forming loops: NUMBERS -> "MACHINE DREAMS" -> PHYSICAL -> HUMANS -> PHYSICS -> NUMBERS I call this "virtuously circular" if it is comprehensive so that everything is somewhere in the circle.

The thing about such a loop is that you can start at any point -- for instance, PHYSICAL, HUMANS, PHYSICS, or anywhere else. The question then is whether this actually achieves you anything?

Just stop on the simplest theory.

"Simple" is an undefined term. You might think the integers are simple, I might think that physics is simple. No-one is right in any absolute sense.

Ig you can explain QM and consciousness from elementary arithmetic, you make a gain compared to starting from physicalist QM, which assumes Matter, QM (and thus arithmetic, as QM already assumes arithmetic).

Well, you should formalize your theory so that we can at least compare.

My theory is that the external objective physical world exists, independently of you or me, or even of consciousness. Consciousness is a property of certain forms of matter, and matter achieves those forms, and hence consciousness, by the process of evolution. Mind (and consciousness) is a property of brains and other configurations of matter that have similar functionality. We learn about these things, and about the basis of consciousness, empirically, by applying the scientific method in our study. There is no "hard problem" of consciousness, because once we have understood the functionality, we have understood all that there is to it.

Your "Yes, doctor" thought experiment is actually saying much the same thing: the functionality is all that matters -- once you have understood the function, you have understood consciousness. The doctor doesn't have to transfer "your consciousness" once he has replaced your brain with a functionally equivalent computer. There is no duality.

I have already give three equivalent version of "my" theory, which is probably the same of yours minus assuming mind and matter and a mysterious link between, as far as I understand.

As I understand it, your theory assumes the existence of numbers, or at least of the integers. Your base ontology can be used to support axioms, giving RA, PA and so on. Once you have some axioms and rules of inference, you can prove theorems. You then identify "existence" with the existential quantifier of mathematics -- if we can prove Ex(x = y), then you say that y is also part of the ontology. But without assuming the numbers to start with, you can never get to theorems and the existential quantifier. The existential quantifier is not then a definition of what "existence" consists in. Your ontology is assumed before you get that far, before you have arithmetic even.

So you are actually no better off than the physicalist -- you still have to assume a primitive ontology: this might form a model for arithmetic, but then so does the physical universe. The physical has the property of containing distinct objects -- hence already has an ontology of integers, but in addition, things exist in the physical universe without the superstructure of axioms and theorems -- we just look and see! Physicalism is actually simpler!


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