On 7/8/2016 1:50 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 07 Jul 2016, at 23:28, Brent Meeker wrote:

Bacteria solved that problem.   Death only came along with sex.

I agree. Death is not a problem. It is a solution of a problem.

I will take a look at the problems you link too, but my opinion is that Riemann hypothesis is one of the most important problem to solve.

Then, progressing a bit in mathematical theology, and getting why people get irrational so easily around that field is rather important too.

Technically, it would be nice to decide which of the intensional variants of self-reference fit the best nature's quantum logic. That would provide actually some light on the 1p-death problem: what can we expect to live when dying knowing that our consciousness is not attached to a singular body, but to infinities of representations of them (in arithmetic, or any Turing complete theory).

The practical problems is: how to stop the religious lies (1500 years of lies),

Well one step would be to stop using the language of those lies and referring to "God".

and the one simpler (but already difficult): how to stop the lies in the health field (75 years of lies). How to stop prohibition of medication, and how to restore the free market (that prohibition has made disappear).

The free market gave us snake oil and thalidomide.

Aristotle was wrong on this: humans are not rational animals, but they are irrational animals. No animal would kill another animals based on fairy tales pseudo-theology,

But they would to eat or succeed in breeding.

but humans do that all the times, and it is part of the source of the human suffering.

"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them. "
    --- David Hume

"If everything on Earth were rational, nothing would happen."
         --- Fyodor Dostoevsky

The big general problem is the suffering of people, especially children. Buddha made some progress in the right direction, I think, but the path is still long before we get rational (like buddha was) on this.

The Buddha said life is suffering. The solution is to avoid reincarnation. He was reacting to the Hindu idea of endless reincarnation, which one might easily find dismaying.


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