On 5/09/2017 2:55 pm, Russell Standish wrote:
On Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 11:58:57AM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
I have no problems with the assumption that all forms of data can be
represented by bitstrings. On the other hand, I do have some
difficulty accepting off-hand that all possible bitstrings exist in
some sense or the other. Quantum MWI does not entail this. It might
be Tegmark's level IV multiverse, but that is problematic too.
They appear in Bruno's theories as the trace of the universal
dovetailer, and also similarly appear in Schmidhuber's Great
Programmer idea, which features a universal dovetailer. As for Tegmark
level 4, that is a rather ambiguous and ill-defined thing, but if you
restricted it to the enumeration of all finite axiomatic systems, you
end up with a pile of bitstrings again.

Undoubtedly there are many different ways in which one can generate a pile of all possible bitstrings. That does not entail that any such pile exists in any operational sense.

BTW - my goal is not to explain the observer, but to explain
appearances in terms of the observer. The former is probably all to
hard a nut to crack at present, but the latter might just be doable.
I think that if you are to explain QM in terms of observer moments,
you have to give some account of the observer, and what
distinguishes an observer moment from an arbitrary bit string.
But I do - see the discussion of time and projection postulates in the
book, as well as the evolutionary framework within which it
sits. Obviously, we would like a more detailed account of observation
at some point, but that seems like a good start.

I find the discussion in your book rather cursory, unless I have not located the relevant passages -- numbers of pages or sections to look at might help.

But there does seem to be a divide between the starting point of all possible bitstrings and the operational idea of an observer interpreting these strings. It seems to me that since the observer must be part of these bitstrings, you have to make that central. So an observer moment is the set of all bit sequences that correspond to that moment -- there being nothing else that relates these strings to each other. A different OM will be a different set of bit sequences that pass through a separate moment. I presume you then call on observer self-selection to join these separate sets into a connected conscious experience. I do not know how this might be, but that seems to be what is required, if I have understood the set-up correctly. None of this requires that some set of bitstrings 'read' or 'interpret' some other set that comprises the data -- the data present in the observational moment is part of the OM itself.

When an observer gains some new data, that is a new observer moment to be built up in the same way. The set of bitstrings that go into this new moment might well be completely disjoint from the previous set, so I don't see the acquisition of new data as being represented by the intersection of the sets: that idea seems to depend on a distinct separation between the observer and data strings; the observer being, in some sense, a persisting set of strings forming a set that grows or shrinks according to the new data, but retains some essential identity over the process. I do not think that this is really consistent with the starting point you have set up -- the observer and the data are all part of the same string; the observer being the set of all strings that instantiate this combination. Separate OMs would be effectively disjoint sets.

This understanding is probably orthogonal to the picture that you have in mind, but it is the way in which I can make sense of the plenum from which you start. The result is that OMs form a set of 'time capsules' of the sort that Julian Barbour talks about. Continuity of consciousness then comes from the records of previous OMs that are intrinsic to new OMs, but the new OMs are not necessarily part of the original bitstrings. Bitstrings are all just static data -- conscious observers arise from the connections between these data sets that are intrinsic to the data itself.

Whether this understanding can be reconciled with your picture is an open question at the moment. I can expand on the consequences of this view if you wish. But I think that this approach is probably fatal to your wish to derive physics from the existence of such OMs or 'time capsules' -- one has to be the actual observer experiencing this stream of consciousness in order to have access to the implied physics. From the outside everything appears to be just random bitstrings, because one has no independent way of identifying the relevant subsections of the infinite strings -- they can only be experienced 'from the inside', so to speak.


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