On 10 Sep 2017, at 08:40, Bruce Kellett wrote:

On 10/09/2017 6:17 am, Bruno Marchal wrote:

On 09 Sep 2017, at 01:23, Russell Standish wrote:

You have to keep in mind that my theory is a model - the bitstrings
are necessary, but not necessarily sufficient. They represent the data
interpreted by an observer. Something like a universal dovetailer
gives us the bitstrings by virtue of the Washington-Moscow thought experiment.


The iterated self-duplication gives all bitstrings.

The universal dovetailer, or the sigma_1 completeness, by the non triviality of what is a universal machine/number and what they can prove and bet on, we better hope not getting all bitstrings, which with mechanism with white noise.

I think Russell is right in that the dovetailer necessarily gives all possible bitstrings.

Yes, but only by the FPI. What makes the differences and the different internal sense is provided by the Universal number/machine.

I will prefer to not assumes any infinities in the ontology, especially a non enumerable one. They will not disappear, but appears as mind tools phenomenologies.

This is Russell's Plenitude - the 'Nothing' since all possible bitstrings convey no information. It is white noise from the outside (if there were any such thing as an 'outside'), but the only strings that are relevant to our consciousness are the ones that are conscious, and these self-select. Some of the others might give rise to completely different worlds, with completely different types of consciousness, but we do not necessarily interact with those (there might not be a white rabbit problem).

Not sure. Russell mention an Occam catastrophe. But all this is too vague to formulate precisely the measure problem, and solve it rigorously, even if Russell at least see the problem, and try to tackle it.

But, a bit like the physicalist, it looks like the observer is just some point getting the data, where mechanism reminds us that the observer has a (dreaming) brain, which is at the least a Turing universal device, which can help to translate the problem in arithmetic.

As I see it, the conscious strings themselves contain all the information necessary to construct a world -- they are self- contained time capsules, or something of that sort. It is not a consciousness in isolation, but an embodied consciousness. No other type of bitstring is conscious in the necessary sense.

A bit string cannot be conscious, nor anything 3p describable. The problem is whatever you take as elementary existing, how to relate the first person points of view. With incompleteness, the oldest trick functions (Theatetus: you link the believer with the truth).


I like Russell's idea that the map-territory distinction breaks down if the description (map) is completely detailed so that the territory does not contain any additional information. The the map becomes the territory, and the distinction is a distinction without a difference. So the descriptions contained in the infiinitude of bitstrings constitute the actual reality of consciousness and the world.

As I said a while back, this might be the case, and we have recovered both consciousness and the world, but we have 'explained' neither: an unfortunate feature of theories that contain everything (eveythingism!).


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