On Thu, Sep 07, 2017 at 09:44:02PM +1000, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> On 6/09/2017 5:39 pm, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> >On 6/09/2017 2:52 pm, Russell Standish wrote:
> >>More importantly, I'm sure you appreciate that codings are also entirely
> >>arbitrary, that every possible bitstring will represent the OM of me
> >>sitting at this keyboard typing to you under some coding. It is only by
> >>fixing a coding that we can talk about bit strings having meaning, ie
> >>some bitstrings represent (eg the aforementioned OM) whilst others
> >>don't.
> >
> >We have skirted round the coding problem. While I do not for a moment
> >think that there is any possible coding that can relate every possible
> >bitstring to my present (or any other) observer moment (there is no
> >coding that can make a complex entity out of a string consisting
> >entirely of ones, or of an infinite sequence of alternate 0s and 1s,
> >and so on), the problem of where the coding comes from, and how it is
> >interpreted, seems insurmountable. Perhaps that is, in fact, the
> >Achilles heel of the whole enterprise.
> On reflection, I realize that coding is not really an issue if we
> have a plenum consisting of all possible bit strings. After all, any
> coding of any particular bitstring simply gives another bitstring --
> coding is nothing more than a map of the plenum to itself. So any
> possible coding of any possible bitstring is already a string in the
> pile!
> The question, then, is what particular strings are 'self-realizing'
> as time capsules? If this is a possibility, how ever low the
> probability, it must be realized among the infinite number of
> bitstrings in the plenum. Nothing more need be done!
> Of course, we have not actually explained anything, but that is one
> of the problems of any form of 'everythingism'.

Of course. That is why explanations must be relativised to the
observer. All that can be hoped to explain with any "everything"
theory is the appearance of things, why some things appear more likely
than others, given a particular observer, and then abstract away the
local details of the observer to common properties of all observers.

Another way of putting this is that observers cannot supervene on the
collection of bitstrings, but rather on the interpretations of those
bitstrings. It is the same way that in computationalism, observers do
not supervene on the universal dovetailer, or even on specific program
code, but rather on the computations themselves. One of my main points
in my 2004 paper is that there is no external reference machine, like
there is with Schmidhuber's "Great Programmer", but rather the
observer defines the machine running the computations.


Dr Russell Standish                    Phone 0425 253119 (mobile)
Principal, High Performance Coders
Visiting Senior Research Fellow        hpco...@hpcoders.com.au
Economics, Kingston University         http://www.hpcoders.com.au

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