On Tue, Sep 26, 2017 at  spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

​> ​
> You folks  want Profundity-If this is fact, it is, Profundity itself. A
> Japanese team came up with a super-duper quantum computing architecture,
> that looks to be able to eat the Protein Folding Problem, with pepper and
> salt. I don't feel this news is too good to be true. Needs much work,
> development, bottleneck fixing, progging, but, am guessing that you wanted
> a Singularity? Ya got a Singularity.
> *https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/09/japanese-researchers-work-out-theoretical-universal-quantum-computer-that-could-scale-to-millions-of-qubits.html
> <https://www.nextbigfuture.com/2017/09/japanese-researchers-work-out-theoretical-universal-quantum-computer-that-could-scale-to-millions-of-qubits.html>*

​That's interesting but they can't scale it up to make a full scale machine
just yet because existing error correcting schemes can only do so much and
their error rate ​is still about 6 dB too high. The authors of the paper
admit this but say:

*However, the requirement for fault tolerance is likely to be satisfied in
the near future by further​ ​improvement of technology or error-correction

I hope they're right but getting those last few dB's is hard.

John K Clark


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