On 24 Sep 2017, at 20:02, John Clark wrote:

On Sat, Sep 23, 2017 at 4:13 AM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

​>> ​We agreed that "the Moscow man" means the man who saw Moscow, but yesterday nobody saw ​Moscow.

​> ​That contradicts the identity criteria on which we have agreed.

​What​ ​agreed​ ​on​ ​identity criteria​ ​does that violate? The only​ ​identity criteria​ ​I remember agreeing to is​ "​the Moscow man" means the man who saw Moscow​.​

You have agreed that the Moscow Man (like the Washington Man) is an honorable Helsinki Man survivor. The Moscow man is the Helsinki man, like the Washington Man is the Helsinki Man. Yes, the Helsinki man is in two places, but the point is that he does not feel that way. In both places, he feels like being in only once city, as nobody can feel to be in two places at once with computationalism and that protocol.

​> ​The answer is simply: I expect​ [...]

​Simple indeed if one refuses to consider just what "I" means and what the consequences of​ ​stepping into a "I" ​duplicating machine would be, ​but not simple in a good way.

"I" is the usual indexical. You can duplicate it in the 3-1 picture, but not in the 1p view, viewed from that 1p view.

​> ​to find myself either in M or in W.

​And it is so much simpler not to think about just what "myself" means with regards to the future. Not thinking is easier than thinking.

Yes, it is simpler to not answer the question asked, if the goal is to not understand the conclusion of the reasoning.

​>> ​and which THE first person experience are you talking about?

​> ​All the unicity experience of all copies.

​If its all of them why do you express surprise and claim that all sorts of deep philosophical consequences can be drawn from the fact that one and only one answer is insufficient to describe the fate of several different things. ​How could it be otherwise?

​> ​I remind you the criteria: all copies must confirms the prediction rule in the finite duplication,

​All the copies were NOT asked the question yesterday back in Helsinki,

The prediction is asked to the Helsinki guy before the duplication. The copies are the Helsinki guy, so they were asked too, as confirmed in all the diaries and personal memories. When the M-man open his diary in Moscow, he saw and remember his prediction written in the diary.

only Bruno Marchal was asked the question ​yesterday back in Helsinki; and we know today that Bruno Marchal ended up seeing both cities.

... only in the 3-1p view. Nobody ends up seeing two cities from the 1p view.

Yes yes I know what you will say "you confuse the 1p and the 3p" but you are the one who is confused, it is you who hasn't thought deeply about what a people duplicating machine really means. If the body of Bruno Marchal is duplicated there will still be only one conscious entity if the two of them are in identical environments, it is only when the environments differs, such as being in different cities, that the two start to form different memories and become different conscious beings. But you ask "Which one will become the Moscow man?" and the answer of course is "the one the sees Moscow".

That does not help the Helsinki man, given that in helsinki he still doesn't know if he will feel to be being the M-man or not.

Yes that's a trivial answer but then it was a trivial question, and at least it's true just like all tautologies.

But can be false when used to predict "moscow" in helsinki.

​> ​"THE" is used, because all those experience are incompatible from the first pov.

​Which THE ​first pov is "THE" incompatible with?

Both are incompatible with the view of their corresponding doppleganger.

​>> ​THE first person experience of the Helsinki man today? THE first person experience of the Helsinki man tomorrow?

​> ​Yes, that one. That has been said since the start.

​That one? Which one?​ You quoted two.

Because both  lives the unique experience of being in a unique city.

Each time you ask "which one lives the experience of seeing *the* city", the answer is always the same: both, but only one from their first person point of view. Indeed, that is the reason why in Helsinki only "W v M" is correct.

Which first person experience​ Is Mr. You, which ONE is different from all the others and uniquely ​deserves the noble title of "THE"?

​> ​All of them deserves the title of "THE"

​And that is why your notation has the precision of a dogs breakfast. ​

Only because you subtract the key ingredient: the distinction between 1p and 3p.

​>> ​We had agreed that "the Moscow man" means the man who saw Moscow, but yesterday nobody saw Moscow so obviously yesterday the Moscow man DID NOT EXIST.

​> ​That contradicts the identity criterion.

​The identity criterion​, what a joke! If "The Moscow man"​ no longer means the man who saw Moscow then what does it mean?

It means also the man who saw Moscow and remember Helsinki and all his life up to that duplication experience. The Helsinki man is the Moscow man. he has not lost his identity, by the mechanist assumption.

I don't know why I bother to ask you, on Monday Wednesday and Friday you say it means one thing, on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday you say it means another thing, and on Sunday you're not quite sure.

Not at all. Since 40 years I have not change any of this, if only because nobody has had any problem with this. Yes, some have taken some month, and one took 4 years, but once they got the difference between 1p and 3p, they got the point. Most people got it after 5 minutes.

Let me know if you know just one person who does not get this point.

​>> ​But now you say "the Moscow man" did exist yesterday, so I have no idea what you now mean by ​"the Moscow man" and you have no idea either.

​> ​That is ridiculous. As I said, the M-man is the H-man, when he is in M.

​If there is no difference between the Moscow man and the ​ ​ Helsinki man then why did you give them different names?

Because the Moscow man is the Helsinki man when in Moscow, to distinguish him from the Washington man, which is also the Helsinki man, but in Washington.

If there is a difference but that difference is NOT that the Moscow man has seen Moscow and Helsinki but the Helsinki man has only seen Helsinki then what in the world is that difference? You've got to get your notation straight and make it precise! ​

I do that, but you never quote the difference, nor take it into account.

​> ​Please answer P(tea).

​I don't like pee tea.

Emotions is not a valid way to reason. I guess that it means that you see the point, but will never concede it.

Answer this before we proceed, please. Should the H-man expect or not to drink tea when tea is promised to be given to both copies?


​>​>>​ ​At that moment, you can consider them as fused. The H-man is both of them,

​​>> ​Both? If there are two there must be a difference between the H-man and the M-man,

​> ​Not when seen as fused.

​If they are identical then what would be the difference between saying ​ ​"there are two of them that are fused but both are identical​" to just saying "there is only one and nothing is fused"? I can't see how there would be any difference, not from the 3p view and not from the 1p view either! So I ask yet again, now that the Moscow man no longer means the man who saw Moscow what does it mean? And is there a Tokyo man fused in there too? How about a Chicago​ man?​

​>> ​​He expects ​Santa Claus's workshop​! ​ I don't give a damn what the H-man​ expects to happen tomorrow, ​but I do give a damn about who remembers tomorrow being the H-man today.

​> ​Both do.

​Yes, and so the H-man ended up seeing 2 cities if "the H-man" means remembering being the H-man, and that is the only definition of the phrase that makes any sense to me. If you have a better definition I'd love to hear it. ​

​> ​But none is aware of the other in the first person way.

​True but irrelevant. ​

​​>> ​There is not one and only one correct prediction if the future includes use of a​ first person experience​ duplicating machine! ​

​> ​Then digital mechanism is obviously wrong,

​Pure unadulterated BULLSHIT.​ And the proof that it is bullshit is that nobody can say what that one and only one correct answer turned out to be, not even after the duplicating experiment is long over. Forget prediction, nobody can even make a postdiction about that, but it's not because of any deep philosophical principle; there is no answer because there was no question.

​> ​Confusion 3p/1p.

​Yeah​ yeah,​ just keep chanting that ​mindless ​mantra to yourself over and over, that will solve all problems and lead you onto the path to enlightenment.

​> ​"you" is both copies.

Then asking which ONE city you will see would be a very very stupid question. Actually it would be worse than that, it would not be a question at all, it would just be noise​ made by the mouth​.

​> ​but the question is not who you are but who you feel to be.

​Bruno Marchal just said ​ ​" ​"you" is both copies​" so John Clark has no choice but to ask yet again WHO IS MR. YOU?​ Who is Bruno Marchal asking who they feel , The Helsinki man, the Moscow man or the Washington man?

​> ​the answer is very simple:

​Simple as in stupid.​

​> ​and it is obvious you cannot predict which one.

​Which one what?? ​ ​Nobody can make the prediction because Bruno Marchal can't explain what is suposed to be predicted. Nobody can give an answer if they don't know the question.​

 ​> ​we are wasting our time.

​You may be right about that.​

John K Clark

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