On 28 Oct 2017, at 14:55, Stathis Papaioannou wrote:

On Sat, 28 Oct 2017 at 3:30 am, John Clark <johnkcl...@gmail.com> wrote: On Thu, Oct 26, 2017 at 4:33 PM, Brent Meeker <meeke...@verizon.net> wrote:

​> ​There are a lot of other painkillers

But​ ​marijuana​ ​is the only painkiller I know of that has a 0% chance of death by overdose, and yet it is illegal to use in most states, even for ​cancer​ patients in agony. But Aspirin is legal ​and​ that can ​kill​ you, ​and ​Oxycodone​ is legal too and if ​the pain is too strong for ​Aspirin the law encourages you to switch to ​that ​or some ​other​ ​opioid which is projected to kill 500,000 Americans in the next decade​. And if you defy the law and choose marijuana instead the law will do its best to see to it that your last days are not only spent in agony they will also be spent in jail.

This is the Trump administration's idea of getting government off out backs.

It’s important not to demonise opioids.


In acute, severe pain they are often the only thing that works, and denying them to a suffering patient is inhumane. In chronic pain, their use is more controversial. Perhaps not widely known is that in a way they are very safe drugs in that they do not cause end organ damage, unlike, say, alcohol or tobacco.

Note that tobacco would be much less dangerous if people were informed, and could have more choice. Since tobacco exists, it has been used orally by many people, and today, studies shows that this mode of consumption is far less dangerous than smoking it.

Elephant-killing doses of fentanyl are used in cardiac surgery, and as long as respiration is supported, the patient wakes up fine. The problem is that some people (not all) enjoy the euphoric effect so much that they misuse them, leading to tolerance, dose escalation and risk of overdose.

That is right, but seems to be an effect of its prohibition. In the city of Liege, in Belgium, they have made (two times) a three year experience of legalizing heroin. You need a medical prescription. This has confirmed that the best medication to quit heroin is ... heroin itself, when cheap and medically prescribed. heroin then loose completely its appeal for "beginners", and old consummers, not only get fine, got the time to search a job, diminish by themselves the consumption, and eventually most have stopped. Obviously, this is helpful for getting clean needles and preventing AIDS. Despite this success, heroin is still illegal in Belgium, for pure insane political reason.

Note that heroin was first sold in Germany to cure young infant cough. Its illegality is one of the most source of finance of terrorism, and in this case there are proof that the CIA have organized traffic. It seems also that it is part of the reason the american have gone to Afghanistan (to protect the field of Opiate-plant (Pavot, in french). I have verified this, but it does not obvious to interpret all data; need to pursue the research.

In Russia, they have try to eradicate heroin in a large part of the country. the result is the apparition of the drug Krokodil. That one is total poison, in horrible pain and always leading to long agony and death ...

No medication at all should be demonized. To use a drug/medication concerns only you and/or you shaman/doctor. The very idea that a government has its say on it makes no sense at all. We can accept that a government enforces transparency, warning on secondary effects, traceability, etc. But not on what is or not a medication. That can only lead to the interdiction of efficacious medication, for the simple reason that a cured patient is a client lost. Money is the best tool to share the product of work, and the worst goal when money is used only to make more money. That is equivalent to cancer at the social level.


Stathis Papaioannou

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