On Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 10:28:17 PM UTC, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:

> On Sunday, December 17, 2017 at 3:26:05 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 15 Dec 2017, at 23:54, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>> On Friday, December 15, 2017 at 5:24:39 PM UTC, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>>> On 14 Dec 2017, at 03:01, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> On Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 1:41:37 AM UTC, Brent wrote:
>>>> On 12/13/2017 5:24 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 10:44:14 PM UTC, Brent wrote:
>>>>> On 12/13/2017 2:20 PM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>> On Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 9:15:36 PM UTC, Brent wrote: 
>>>>>> On 12/13/2017 2:45 AM, agrays...@gmail.com wrote:
>>>>>> * BUT for a nucleus of a radioactive element, the nucleus is never 
>>>>>> Decayed and Undecayed SIMULTANEOUSLY.*
>>>>>> Sure it is.  It's in a coherent superposition of those states until 
>>>>>> it interacts with the environment.
>>>>>> Brent
>>>>> * That's the conventional QM wisdom and the cause of the paradox of a 
>>>>> cat Alive and Dead simultaneously. As I explained, the fallacy is rooted 
>>>>> in 
>>>>> an unjustified generalization of the double slit experiment where the 
>>>>> probability waves do, in fact, exist simultaneously.  What waves do you 
>>>>> claim are interacting for the radioactive nucleus to produce coherence? 
>>>>> Tell me about them. I am from Missouri. AG*
>>>>> You seem to think that coherence requires two different waves.  This 
>>>>> is the wrong way to look at it.  In Young's slits experiment there is 
>>>>> only 
>>>>> one wave, which goes through both slits and interferes with itself.  
>>>> *That's exactly how I see it! Interference requires two waves which 
>>>> interact with each other. *
>>>> *NO.  This is false! * *There are not two waves.*  You can write it as 
>>>> two parts, just as you can write a description of an ocean wave as the 
>>>> part 
>>>> on your left and the part on your right.  But so long as they are 
>>>> coherent, 
>>>> maintaining a fixed phase relation, they are one wave.
>>> *You're splitting hairs, engaging in sophism. For the single wave going 
>>> through both slits, Feynman calculates the norm squared of | A + B |, where 
>>> A and B denote the waveS going through left and right slits respectively. 
>>> Both are obviously identical, with the result of coherent interference. 
>>> From this analysis we get the interpretation that the the system is 
>>> simultaneously in all states of a superposition. AGNoteworthy is that fact 
>>> that if you reference "coherence" on Wiki, the description always invokes 
>>> multiple waves of the same frequency. If you want to assert coherence 
>>> without multiple waves, and NOT using the double slit result, you have some 
>>> heavy lifting to do. AG*
>>>> *This is exactly what we see in Young's slits experiments. AG  *
>>>>> And unstable nucleus has a probability amplitude that includes a 
>>>>> "decayed" part and a "not decayed" part.  It's a tunneling problem.
>>>> *I don't doubt the existence of amplitudes. What I do doubt. and in 
>>>> fact deny, is interference between two waves that don't exist 
>>>> simultaneously. *
>>>> You keep referring to two waves. * There are not two waves.  *There's 
>>>> only one wave which interferes with itself.  It is typically written as 
>>>> |not-decayed> + |decayed>, but that's just a choice of basis.  It could as 
>>>> well be written |unstable nucleus>.
>>> *OK, unstable nucleus. Makes no difference to what I am arguing; namely, 
>>> that coherence requires more than one wave, simultaneously, which is what 
>>> double slit SHOWS, even though the experiment obviously starts out with one 
>>> wave. AG* 
>>>> *If there's no interference, then the cat cannot be Alive and Dead 
>>>> simultaneously. Tunneling can exist, but still, no simultaneous 
>>>> interacting, interfering waves. Is there any advantage to believing in two 
>>>> waves which don't exist simultaneous, can interfere with each other? AG*
>>>> You are confused.
>>> You're the one with a cat which Alive and Dead simultaneously for the 
>>> very short time until decoherence occurs. So it is arguable who is really 
>>> confused. AG 
>>> I agree with Brent. It is elementary quantum mechanics.
>>> *I seriously doubt you have a clue what we're discussing. If you take 
>>> the time to read any definition of 'coherence', you will see it involves 
>>> two or more interfering waves.*
>> You can use two, or one wave. All you need is to gives them a similar 
>> phase, and it is easy to use only one wave, like the one going through two 
>> slit when sending, even one, photon.
> You have an elaborate theory of the universe based on arithmetic but have 
> difficulty counting to two. A single wave cannot exhibit interference. You 
> need TWO waves! In double slit experiment, the slits split the original 
> wave into TWO waves which interfere with each other, yielding the 
> interference pattern. Got it? So the question is, how does one get 
> interference in an experiment with a binary result? You can call it what 
> you want, or calculate mindlessly, but the question persists; how is 
> interference manifested in superpositions with binary results? AG

> * Don't take my word. Check for yourself. AG*
> I did. 

Not carefully. AG 

> *Moreover, I don't doubt that nuclear decay is a tunneling problem, with 
> probability amplitudes that agree with experiments and allow nuclear 
> weapons to function as advertised -- as you write, "elementary quantum 
> mechanics". *
> That is why I prefer to recast the "schroedinger cat" with an 
> amplifucation of the spin up+down state, instead of nuclear decay. That is 
> what Bohm did. The up+down state is invariant with time, and made the 
> thought experiment easir. No need to invoke quantum tunneling. The point is 
> that the superposition never disappear if there is no collapse, and that 
> the observer get themselves into a superposition. They cannot notice it by 
> "Elementary Mechanist Theory of Mind".
> *But in order for the decay process, when tied to a cat, yields a cat 
> which is simultaneously Alive and Dead seems to depend on giving the wf 
> ontological status. I suppose I have to change my previously stated view, 
> and assert that the wf has only epistemological content. *
> That makes things worst. Toy will make physical outcomes directly 
> dependent of the consciousness/knowledge of the observer.

Why do you and Clark persist in this error? Collapse, if it occurs, does 
NOT depend on human consciousness. All one needs is a detector recording 
the result of a measurement. I am beginning to think collapse might be a 
red herring, an artifact of history insofar as SWE (non relativistic) is 
easier to solve than Dirac's equation (relativistic); and/or that 
Heisenberg's matrix mechanics failed to become popular. With no waves in 
Heisenberg's picture, maybe the collapse problem is really non existent. AG 

> *This also disposes of your infinity of cats; a conjecture, btw, that you 
> never "knew", but rather believed, and is now based on elaborate, 
> contrived, arithmetic mumbo-jumbo. AG*
> Not arithmetical mumbo-jumbo, but arithmetical facts, knows since 1931. 
> You are the one speculating on some primary (Aristotelian) reality. 
But then it can be shown NOT working when we assume our locale finiteness 
> and computability at some level of self-description. You can add infinities 
> in the mind to save primative matter, but that is like assuming God has a 
> Mother to explain the existence of God.

I do NOT assume "primitive matter", or, shall we say, "substance". What I 
assume is some geometry of space which varies in time and location, that 
precludes motion in some directions, giving rise to the appearance of 
solidity.  I don't see this as Aristotelian or Platonic. Nor do I see what 
Godel has to do with all this. All I know about Godel, admittedly not much, 
is that he proved that some mathematical propositions are undecidable in 
mathematics, like the fact that there is no infinity between the integers 
and the continuum. Can you explain in simple terms why Godel is important 
in the context of physical theories? AG

Then the decoherence is only in the mind of those looking at the cat, as 
> explained entirely by the formalism itself (although there is a technical 
> debate on the question of the derivation of the Born Rule, but for me that 
> problem has been solved a very long time ago by Paulette 
> FĂ©vrier-Destouches, and simple (non rigorous) proof exists in Preskill's 
> course on quantum computation, or in Selestnick's book "Quanta, Logic and 
> Space-Time"), and personally, I think this is solved completely by Gleason 
> theorem.

*IIRC, Brent mentioned Gleason's theorem to support the view that 
everything that can happen, does NOT necessarily happen. AG *

He is right. Only consistent things can happen, and then they happen with 
quite different relative probabilities, which are given by the Born Rule, 
and can be justified from Gleason theorem. The same appears in arithmetic, 
and, furthermore, we get the derivation of the quantum logic. It is still 
an open problem if we can apply Gleason theorem to it, and get the Born 
rule, and the wave, directly from machine self-reference in arithmetic, as 
it should (in case you have studied the Universal Dovetailer Argument).


Then, I already knew, before knewing QM, that infinitely many cats live in 
arithmetic, and that the statistics of the observable, in arithmetic from 
inside, have to "interfere" to make Digital Mechanism making sense in 
cognitive science, so MW-appearances is not bizarre at all: it has to be 
like that. Eventually, the "negative amplitude of probability" comes from 
the self-referential constraints (the logic of []p & <>p on p sigma_1, for 
those who have studied a little bit).


> Brent

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