On Friday, February 16, 2018 at 9:32:10 AM UTC-7, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
> I keep trying to implore the prospect that mega-tech programs most likely 
> do not scale in the linear fashion you keep advocating. There might be 
> nanobots or von Neumann probes in this galaxy if they remain small or 
> modest in dimensions. This would most likely be the prospect I should 
> think. As they might evolve and migrate around the galaxy they would remain 
> at least modest in scale, maybe remain tiny and only scale up as 
> communicating collectives that might occur intermittently. I do not know 
> the scaling rules that might apply. Geoffrey West has made a bit of a 
> career out of the physics of scaling rules for complex systems. For complex 
> adaptive systems, such as evolving nanobots or vN probes, there most likely 
> are scaling rules in both spatial dimensions as well as temperature and 
> energy. 
> I would say that if ETI/IGUS can exist and do so at a density of one per 
> galaxy per N-millions of years (N not very large), then some of them would 
> have launched vN probes and other systems into space that might migrate out 
> and adapt. Among the 1500 galaxies in the Virgo cluster only about 50 
> million light years away there are none that show evidence of large scale 
> engineering. Below is an astrophoto of the Virgo cluster. Within 100 
> million light years where the Hubble relation v = Hd, H = 70km/sec/Mpc (Mpc 
> = megaparsec) then we have v = 1750 km/sec on average which is a low z = 
> v/c ~ .0058 region of the universe. There are around 5x10^4 galaxies in 
> this region and we see no large scale artificial activity. So either 
> IGUS/ETI is extremely rare or there are limits to the scale of their 
> activities.
> LC

*OR, they exist but have no motivation to send out nanobots. What's to be 
gained? AG*

>  [image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/ESO-M87.jpg]
> On Friday, February 16, 2018 at 9:24:48 AM UTC-6, John Clark wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 15, 2018 at 12:05 PM, Telmo Menezes <te...@telmomenezes.com> 
>> wrote:
>> ​> ​
>>> *What if nanotech *is* the filter? Then, the civilizations that survive​ 
>>> ​could be the ones that avoid that trap somehow.*
>> ​
>> If Drexler style Nanotechnology had been developed anywhere in the galaxy 
>> that fact would be obvious by now regardless of if the civilization that 
>> originally developed it survived or not.
>>> * ​> ​Another possibility is that nanotech is possible and civilizations 
>>> do​ ​eventually build dyson spheres around their stars, but have​ 
>>> ​absolutely​ ​no incentive to go beyond their star system -- this is 
>>> easily​ ​justifiable by the speed of light limit. We haven't seen one of 
>>> those either, but it is also not true that there isn't the slightest sign:*
>>> https://www.seti.org/whats-up-with-tabby-star
>> ​That article is out of date, a lot of research has been done on Tabby's 
>> star since then and things change fast. Several astronomers (including 
>> Tabetha Boyajian after whom Tabby's Star is named) have concluded in a peer 
>> reviewed article in "Astrophysical Journal" that the puzzling dimming is 
>> not caused by a solid object but by microscopic dust particles:
>> https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.07556.pdf
>> They closely examined the rate of dimming of the ultraviolet light and 
>> the infrared light coming from the star and they found the rate of dimming 
>> between the two was significantly different; and a Dyson Sphere, completed 
>> or not, wouldn't do that. The only thing that would scatter light like that 
>> is lots and lots of microscopic dust.  Yes it's odd that a mature star like 
>> Tabby would have such a thick cloud of dust in orbit around it and nobody 
>> is quite sure why it's there, but whatever caused the dust it sure doesn't 
>> look like ET is responsible for the dimming.
>> ​> ​
>>> Maybe they are not computationalists
>> Then some disaster must have prevented them from becoming 
>> super-intelligent. 
>>> >
>>>> ​>​
>>>> So what? Fragmented or not Intelligence
>>>> ​ ​
>>>> would be a major force effecting the large scale structure of the 
>>>> universe.
>>> ​>* ​*
>>> *A two-star-system civilization would already be fragmented, unless it​ 
>>> ​is somehow possible to transcend the speed of light constraint.*
>> ​I have no choice but to repeat myself: 
>> So what? Fragmented or not Intelligence
>> ​ ​
>> would be a major force effecting the large scale structure of the 
>> universe.
>>> ​>>​
>>>> All it would take is one individual in one civilization to take an once 
>>>> or so of matter and turn it into a Von Neumann  Probe
>>> *​> ​Can you build an atomic bomb? *
>> If I had some U235 I could make an A-bomb.
>> ​ ​
>> Making
>> ​ ​
>> one just takes a lot of effort (aka money) if you only have 2 large 
>> hands, but if I had very small hands it would be easy to
>> ​ ​
>> separate
>> ​ ​
>> the one U235 atom that I want from the 140 U238 atoms that I don't want. 
>> And if I had 6.02*10^23 of those small hands I could just keep doing the 
>> same thing over and over and then very soon I'd have enough for a bomb. 
>> Making an H-bomb would be more complicated but if I also had some Lithium-6 
>> deuteride I think I know enough to make a reasonable stab at it.
>> ​ ​
>> Unfortunately
>> ​ ​
>> there is no
>> ​ ​
>> great secret that you need to know to make a
>> ​ ​
>> nuclear weapon and there hasn't been for about 40 years. Every nation 
>> that tried to make an H-bomb was successful on their first attempt, and the 
>> second H-bomb ever tested on the planet was over 3 times more powerful than 
>> expected and ended up killing some Japanese fishermen as a result even 
>> though they were well outside the official danger area.  
>> In the case of a Dyson Sphere if you know how to make one square foot of 
>> it then you know how to make the entire thing because being a sphere one 
>> part of it is identical with every other part of it.
>>> *​> ​but aren't you a bit too quick to assume that a technology that​ 
>>> ​has only been theorized is necessarily feasible?*
>> Nanotechnology doesn't involve any new laws of physics and we already 
>> have an existence proof of a crude form of Nanotechnology developed by 
>> mindless random mutation and natural selection, its called life. ​
>> And intelligence can do a lot better than randomness. ​
>> >
>>>> ​>​
>>>> All a Von Neumann probe needs is energy and atoms, carbon being the most
>>>> ​ ​
>>>> important although other elements would come in handy. Stars provide 
>>>> lots of
>>>> ​ ​
>>>> energy and there are plenty of nice juicy atoms in asteroids and 
>>>> planets.
>>> *​>​All that and the probe itself, which does not exist circa now....*
>> ​
>> I know, that is
>> ​ ​
>> the
>> ​ ​
>> Fermi paradox. All I have to do is glance
>> ​ ​
>> at
>> ​ ​
>> the night sky to know there is no
>> ​ ​
>> Von Neumann probe
>> ​ ​
>> in the entire galaxy. But why? Either we're the first or civilizations 
>> always get destroyed when they get to our level.  
>>  John K Clark

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