On Wed, 21 Mar 2018 at 10:56 am, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>

> From: Stathis Papaioannou <stath...@gmail.com>
> On Tue, 20 Mar 2018 at 10:09 am, Bruce Kellett <bhkell...@optusnet.com.au>
> wrote:
>> If the theory is that if the observable behaviour of the brain is
>> replicated, then consciousness will also be replicated, then the clear
>> corollary is that consciousness can be inferred from observable behaviour.
>> Which implies that I can be as certain of the consciousness of other people
>> as I am of my own. This seems to do some violence to the 1p/1pp/3p
>> distinctions that computationalism rely on so much: only 1p is "certainly
>> certain". But if I can reliably infer consciousness in others, then other
>> things can be as certain as 1p experiences....
> You can’t reliable infer consciousness in others. What you can infer is
> that whatever consciousness an entity has, it will be preserved if
> functionally identical substitutions in its brain are made.
> You have that backwards. You can infer consciousness in others, by
> observing their behaviour. The alternative would be solipsism. Now, while
> you can't prove or disprove solipsism in a mathematical sense, you can
> reject solipsism as a useless theory, since it tells you nothing about
> anything. Whereas science acts on the available evidence -- observations of
> behaviour in this case.
> But we have no evidence that consciousness would be preserved under
> functionally identical substitutions in the brain. Consciousness may be a
> global affair, so functionally equivalence may not be achievable, or even
> definable, within the context of a conscious brain. Can you map the
> functionality of even a single neuron? You are assuming that you can, but
> if that function is global, then you probably can't. There is a fair amount
> of glibness in your assumption that consciousness will be preserved under
> such substitutions.
> You can’t know if a mouse is conscious, but you can know that if mouse
> neurones are replaced with functionally identical electronic neurones its
> behaviour will be the same and any consciousness it may have will also be
> the same.
> You cannot know this without actually doing the substitution and observing
> the results.

So do you think that it is possible to replace the neurones with
functionally identical neurones (same output for same input) and the
mouse’s behaviour would *not* be the same?
Stathis Papaioannou

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