On Wednesday, February 13, 2019 at 10:40:32 PM UTC-6, cdemorsella wrote:

> Two fascinating (and very different) approaches are presented to derive 
> Quantim Mechanics main practical tool (e.g. Born's rule). Wonder what some 
> of the physicists on here think about this research?
> I find the argument that no laws is the fundamental law... and that the 
> universe and its laws are emergent guided by subtle mathematical 
> statistical phenomena, at the same time both alluring and annoying.... it 
> is somehow unsatisfactory.... like being served a quite empty plate with 
> nice garnish for dinner.
> One example of emergence from chaotic conditions is how traffic jams (aka 
> density waves) can emerge from chaotic initial conditions, becoming self 
> re-enforcing within local domains of influence... for those unlucky to be 
> stuck in them. Density wave emergence is seen across scale, for example the 
> spiral arms of galaxies can be explained as giant gravitational pile ups 
> with some fundamentally similar parallels to say a rush hour traffic jam, 
> except on vastly different scales of course and due to other different 
> factors, in the galactic case the emergent effects of a vast number of 
> gravitational inter-actions as stars migrate through these arms on their 
> grand voyages around the galactic core.
> This paired with the corollary argument that any attempt to discover a 
> fundamental law seems doomed to the infinite regression of then needing to 
> explain what this foundation itself rests upon.... leading to the "it's 
> turtles all the way down" hall of mirrors carnival house... head-banger. 
> Perhaps, as Wheeler argued, the world is a self-synthesizing system, and 
> the seeming order we observe, is emergent... a law without law.
> Here is the link to the article:
> https://www.quantamagazine.org/the-born-rule-has-been-derived-from-simple-physical-principles-20190213/
One can (sort of) write all "physics" in a couple of equations: the 
Einstein Field Equation (EFE) and the Standard Model Equation (SME):


What caused *this particular arrangement* of expressions in these to be the 
"law" of our universe I suppose can be "explained" by it's being one of any 
number of possible arrangements.

- pt 

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