On Wednesday, March 6, 2019 at 7:59:04 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> On 5 Mar 2019, at 19:27, Philip Thrift <cloud...@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> On Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 6:23:42 AM UTC-6, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 5 Mar 2019, at 00:43, Brent Meeker <meek...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 3/4/2019 3:54 AM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
>> On 3 Mar 2019, at 20:43, Brent Meeker <meek...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> On 3/3/2019 4:52 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
>> Here's an example David Wallace presents (as an "outlandish" 
>> possibility): Suppose in *pi *(which is computable, so has a *program* 
>> (a spigot one, in fact) that produces its digits. Suppose somewhere in that 
>> stream of digits is the Standard Model Equation
>>     (say written in LaTeX/Math but rendered here)
>> https://www.sciencealert.com/images/Screen_Shot_2016-08-03_at_3.20.12_pm.png
>> So what could this mean? (He sort of leaves it hanging.)
>> Nothing.  Given a suitable mapping the SM Lagrangian can be found in any 
>> sequence of symbols.  It's just a special case of the rock that computes 
>> everything.
>> Even if rock would exist in some primitive sense, which I doubt, they do 
>> not compute anything, except in a trivial sense the quantum state of the 
>> rock. A rock is not even a definable digital object. 
>> It's an ostensively definable object...which is much better.
>> Ostension is dream-able. 
>> If someone want to convince me that a rock can compute everything, I will 
>> ask them to write a complier of the combinators, say, in the rock. I will 
>> ask an algorithm generating the phi_i associated to the rock.
>> There is no particular phi_i associated to the rock.  That's the point.  
>> The rock goes thru various states so there exists a mapping from that 
>> sequence of states to any computation with a similar number of states.
>> It is a mapping of states. It is like a bijection. You need something 
>> like a morphism preserving the computability structure, which do not exist 
>> in the rock. A computation is not just a sequence of states, it is a 
>> sequence of states defined by the universal machine which brought those 
>> states. 
>> There are bijections between N and Z, but only Z is a group, because 
>> those bijections does not preserve the algebraic structure. Similarly, 
>> there is a bijection between a computation and a movie of that computation, 
>> but it does not preserve the causal/logical relation between the states, 
>> which is a universal machine for the computation, and just a linear order 
>> for the sequence, without structure, of the states.
>>   Of course one may object that the actual computation is in the 
>> mapping...but that's because of our prejudice for increasing entropy.
>> OK.Now, a bijection between a physical computation and an arithmetical 
>> computation do preserve the computability structure, that is why we can say 
>> that the arithmetical reality/model implements genuinely the computations.
>> Bruno
> The bijection
>    material [physical] computation ↔ arithmetical computation 
> is like (New Testament) Paul's thesis: There's earthly bodies and 
> spiritual bodies.
> Hmm… You could say that, as a reductio ad absurd of the idea that there 
> are *primitive* material bodies.
> But my point was that a bijection is not enough, you need a fiathftull, 
> consciousness preserving transformation, then this can help to derive 
> constructively physics from arithmetic, and the physical reality is 
> recvovred as a part of the machine theology (G*).
> "Not all flesh is the same: People have one kind of flesh, animals have 
> another, birds another and fish another. 
> That reminds me of the argument by the catholic that “obviously” Indian 
> have no souls. 
> I am not sure by what you mean “have different flesh”. We are all using 
> the sae DNA, quite similar protein and enzyme, and the difference are as 
> contingent as the fact that you and me are different person, in our 
> relative current incarnation/implementation.
> There are also heavenly bodies and there are earthly bodies; but the 
> splendor of the heavenly bodies is one kind, and the splendor of the 
> earthly bodies is another. ... If there is a natural body, there is also a 
> spiritual body.”
> Possible, when you assume non-mechanism, which you do. I’am afraid that 
> many things are possible in that case.
> Spiritual or heavenly fictionalism is like arithmetical fictionalism: 
> spirits (like numbers) do not exist.
> I will try to convince my tax perceptor …
> Bruno
Thanks for the Commentary above on the New Testament text:


A tax auditor may think of (fictional) numbers, but is in reality looking 
for a pound of (material) flesh.

- pt

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