On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 7:32 PM spudboy100 via Everything List <
everything-list@googlegroups.com> wrote:

*>Yes indeed, but it is still rule by rich Rogues whether the Koch's or
> Georgy Soros. *

Do you think there is a difference between the rich ruling that the rich
should pay more taxes to pay for healthcare for the poor and the rich
ruling that the poor should receive less healthcare so the rich could get
yet another tax break? I do, I think there is a difference.

> *> Banks were declared too big to fail, under Bush 43, and happy Obama
> continued their funding, if you remember?*

I do remember and Obama was absolutely positively correct,  they were too
big to fail, if they had 2008 would have been 1929. We came within a gnat's
ass of a total economic meltdown and I give Obama great credit for avoided
that, I just wish he had done more because we did get the worst rescission
in 80 years and that could have been avoided if he had also bailed out
Lehman brothers.

Fun Fact: the loans were paid back by 2012 and the government actually
ended up making 266.7 billion dollars out of the bailout deal due to
interest and dividends.

> > There are hardly any, billionaire good guys,

I don't agree with that at all! Bill Gates has saved more lives and reduced
the net amount of misery in the world VASTLY more than Mother Teresa ever
did. Gates has already given away 50 billion dollars and he isn't finished
yet, and just as important he has given away the money very intelligently
(mostly in the third world) to maximize the number of lives saved. Gates
gave it away so wisely that Warren Buffet asked Gates to figure out how to
best give away his money too. If I could be assured that all
future billionaires would be like them I wouldn't worry so much, but there
is no such assurance.

> > *which is why the globalist crap has been pushed by both parties,*

I said it before I'll say it again, in the era of Trump its absolutely nuts
to claim there is any sort of moral equivalence between the two political

> *> For a health care plan that beats UK style ones* [...]

Beats the UK style health plan? You are ambitious! I'd be delighted if the
USA had a plan that was half as good.

John K Clark

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