So, you don't feel that the democrats are funded by billionaires as well and do 
the billionaires bidding?Do you think that democrats are the party of the 
'little guy," or the US middle class?You do know that the money flows in from 
the uber rich and this, then, is a Plutocracy? Or do you feel it's a republic?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Clark <>
To: everything-list <>
Sent: Mon, Jun 3, 2019 9:13 am
Subject: Re: Trump Supporters?

On Sun, Jun 2, 2019 at 4:18 PM howardmarks <> wrote:

  > I think the labels "fascist" or "liberal" of A. and B. are distortions.

I too am very confused about this entire left-wing right-wing business, just a 
few years ago right wingers thought the CIA and FBI were the good guys and the 
Kremlin the bad guys but Trump suporters thing the oposite, the republican 
right wing were free traders but Trump is a self described "tariff man", the 
right wing was for smaller less intrusive government but Trump wants the 
government to tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies.
I don't use the word "fascist" lightly, I'm not in the habit, as some on the 
left are, of calling anyone who's politics I disagree with a fascist, but when 
it comes to Trump supporters I sincerely think the word is justified; 53% of 
republicans say they would be OK with Trump canceling the 2020 election. And 
Fascist dictators cancel elections, lead chants to imprison their political 
opponents, try to change the law so they can sue newspapers and close them down 
when they write articles against them, jail reporters who don't cooperate, 
order TV networks to stop satirizing them, put family members in positions of 
power, tell police not to be gentle when they arrest somebody, say some Nazis 
are "very good people" and develop a cult following that will believe anything 
they say, such as vaccines cause autism or windmills cause cancer.
Today it's foolish to claim there is a moral equivalence between the two major 
political parties, at one time there was one (and I was a Republican for most 
of my life) but there is no equivalence anymore. The Democrats have done stuff 
that is very unwise and unfair but it would be going way too far to call them 
fascist. A fascist political party is as bad as things can get, the sort of 
thing you saw in Europe in the 1930s, and things are not currently as bad as 
things can get but only because the American Fascist Party (aka Republicans) 
still has some competition from a very large but sometimes silly and often 
dysfunctional non-fascist party, the democrats.

 John K Clark   
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