On Sunday, June 2, 2019 at 6:53:36 PM UTC+2, spudb...@aol.com wrote:
> Because B lies all the more to try to get elected? 
I'll bite the conspiracy discourse bait today by phrasing as follows: There 
are lying corrupt fucks on every side and if you don't identify with 
simplistic politics and its boring ideological labels, then why post at 
all? To advertise your innocence to strangers? Post your name, address, and 
your credit card details with security number please. You'll understand why 
a few lines down.

Fun and games aside: Who's party/ideology will more likely bring results to 
working class wages, pensions, medical bills, work accidents, workers 
rights, and a tomorrow with less toxic shit piling up where you live? Which 
party history/profile, with all the upper class corrupt bullshit and 
propaganda of all of them fits the bill, at least to a tiny bare minimum?

Which side is more likely to stupidly and expensively try to educate 
people, diminish student debts for those trying to set better track for 
their home zone, instead of snubbing them and pretending they don't exist? 

So surprise, I guess you want to drag me into a flame war: credit card 
details to me privately NOW or no show. Why? Because your vote has 
consequences: you voted to fuck education, so you guys gotta pay up front! 
BooyakahYeah bitches! Plus I copyrighted my cursing to make up for this 
lesson that you're not paying for! Gazingblingbling: That's a double in yo 

These answers are not pretty (except my cursing, which is of course classy 
and copyrighted as fuck), definitely far from any ideals we have the luxury 
to discuss out here... but it is what it is, folks. The maverick 
billionaire with cartoon hair will keep mavericking your net take with his 
billionaire cronies, probably on your death beds through some dumb liberal 
black trans doctors with terminator dildos... and guess what? We'll still 
have to pay more! PGC

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