On Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 7:03:05 AM UTC-5, Eva wrote:
> @Lawrence Crowell
> Very interesting, does it mean that everything is connected not only 
> spatially but also temporarily?

Sort of. The Wheeler delayed choice experiment indicates there is a time 
aspect to entanglement as well. Look that up on Wikipedia, and it is a bit 
odd. Quantum states and their entanglements are not something that exist in 
space or time, but which may have a representation in such. Things get a 
little odd with time because there is no such thing as a universal time 
operator. If there were it would mean the conjugate of time, which is 
energy, as an operator can't have a discrete spectrum. 

> @Philip Thrift
> Retrocausation? So, I'm thirsty because I will drink water? This is to 
> much for me :/

Huw Price and Wharton have been beating this dead horse for a long time. 
Not many physicists take this seriously, for it would mean there is an 
underlying causal mechanism that would obey Bell inequalities. The Bell 
theorem illustrate how quantum physics violates these. The retrocauality 
idea is very much an auslander conjecture that not many take seriously.


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