On Friday, July 19, 2019 at 3:48:16 PM UTC-5, Brent wrote:
> On 7/19/2019 12:33 AM, Philip Thrift wrote:
> "I’m happy to be described as a monist. There aren’t multiple different 
> kinds of things; *there is only the wave function of the universe*. As an 
> emergent approximation it’s useful to characterize the wave function as 
> describing *multiple worlds*."
> So for Sean Carroll, reality is a mathematical entity: a wave function.
> At least Thales believed in stuff (matter).
> "Stuff" is sufficiently vague that the wave-function could qualify as 
> "stuff".  The contentious question seems to be where conscious thoughts 
> fall in the ontology.  Are they processes realized by stuff (Vic), or do 
> they exist in a separate Platonic real(Bruno), do they constitute a 
> separate realm(pt), do they constitute everything(Cosmin)?
> Brent

If Sean said 'everything is waves', that could be materialist.

But if by 'wave function' he means a mathematical entity (How is a 
'function' not a mathematical entity?), he is purely a Platonist.


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