On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:23 AM Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

*> I guess you never clicked the link I provided at the start of this
> thread.  *

I've done a lot better than click on a link that provides a brief synopsis,
I've spent hours reading every page in the man's entire book and you and
Bruno should do the same.

*>You got it at least once 6 years ago on this list when you agreed that a
> forking computer process containing AIs could not predict which process
> they would end up in. *

I don't know what you're referring to so it's hard to know how to respond, but
since you can pinpoint the exact time, 6 years ago, you should be able to
include the exact quote where I said I "got it" and enough context around
it so it's clear who "they" are that failed to make a prediction, and even
more important it's crystal clear exactly what the correct prediction would
have turned out to be.

> quoting Carroll: "*Now quantum mechanics comes along and throws a spanner
> into the works a little bit if you're a many-worlds person Laplace is demon
> is still possible*".

Yes, if Many Worlds is correct then the Schrodinger Wave Equation of the
Multiverse is all there is, and it is a 100% deterministic equation,
so Laplace's
demon could solve it and in theory *you* could too. And yet the empirical
fact remains *you*  can NOT predict the future, at least not always and not
perfectly. If Many Worlds could not explain this obvious glaring
discrepancy it would be dead dead dead. But Many Worlds can explain it and
can do so easily; *you* can't answer the question "*What one and only one
thing will **you** see tomorrow after the universe splits?*" for exactly
the same reason *you* can't answer Bruno's question "*What one and only one
thing will **you*  *see tomorrow after **you** are duplicated and
**you* *become
two and **you** see two different things?*" The  difference is in the Many
Worlds case, after the universe splits, if I asked *you* today what the
correct answer *you* should have given yesterday was:

1) It would be obvious who the question was directed to.
2)  It would obvious what would have been the correct answer.

Neither of these things is true for Bruno's "question".

Of course Sean Carroll delves into this issue in far greater detail that I
have here, and you'd know that if you had read the man's book as I have.

John K Clark

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