On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 5:31 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>>then one or both of those assumptions must be false. That was Bell's
>>>> entire point, he proposed an exparament to determine if the assumptions
>>>> were true or not. It turned out they were not.
>>> *>>> But my point was that Bell did not assume counterfactual
>>> definiteness.*
>> >>That was your point?? You just said "*I can provide many references
>> which claim that Bell did assume counterfactual definiteness*"!
> *> You are trolling again.*

 Mr. Kellett, please go fuck yourself.

>> *All he *[Bell] *assumed was that any possible hidden variables were
>>> local. So it is locality that is disproven by the experimental results.
>>> Nothing about counterfactual definiteness or realism, since Bell did not
>>> assume either of these things*.
>> You and Maudlin may believe that but it is certainly a minority
>> viewpoint:
>> *"The dependability of counterfactually definite values is a basic
>> assumption, which, together with "time asymmetry" and "local causality" led
>> to the Bell inequalities. Bell showed that the results of experiments
>> intended to test the idea of hidden variables would be predicted to fall
>> within certain limits based on all three of these assumptions"*
> *> That is false*.

So Wikipedia says one thing and world class authority on Quantum
Mechanics Bruce
Kellett says the oposite (see reference below). I will let others on this
list decide for themselves which one is more likely to be correct,

Counterfactual definiteness

John K Clark

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