On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 5:50 AM Lawrence Crowell <
goldenfieldquaterni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *> The entire notion of quantum states and events as localized in regions
> of space is not entirely applicable. What symmetries exist with these
> quantum states or field are then not tied to local geometry.*

OK, but if quantum states are to explain local geometry, and that is the
entire point because that is all that experimenters can see, then the
reverse can not be true, local geometry must be tied to quantum states.

> Local geometry is something that emerges instead from the symmetries of
> quantum fields. This is because they are quantum gravitational.

So if the Gamma Ray Burst results hold up and spacetime really is smooth
and continuous then, would it be correct to say there are a infinite (not
just astronomically large) number of quantum symmetries and the Planck
Length and the Planck Time have no physical significance, they are just
numbers in units of time and space that for no particular reason happen to
pop out when you mathematically play around with the constants of nature in
certain ways?

*> As Arkani Hamed puts it, "Space must die."*

What about time, can space really be separated from it despite what
Minkowski said? Time features prominently in Schrödinger's Equation,
Dirac's Equation and even Feynman diagrams; you're going to have to go back
to square one and rewrite the entirety of Quantum Mechanics without any
reference to space or time, and that would be a massive job that I'm not
certain could be done, I'm not even certain there would be any point in
doing so, it would certainly make Quantum Mechanics far harder to use and
its not exactly easy now.

> * > The quantum fields approaching the event horizon, or on the stretched
> horizon are pure Planck oscillator modes.*

But a Planck oscillator is something that absorbs or emits energy only in
amounts which are integer multiples of Planck's constant times the
frequency of the oscillator, however frequency is the number of repeating
events per unit of TIME.

 John K Clark

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