> On 18 Feb 2020, at 23:14, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 12:05 AM Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be 
> <mailto:marc...@ulb.ac.be>> wrote:
> On 18 Feb 2020, at 02:37, Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:bhkellet...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> And if the probabilities are to be objective
> They have to be at least first person plural.
> 'Objective', as I use the word here, means 'interpersonally agreed'. In your 
> terminology, that would be 1pp since there is no 3p in many-worlds.
> We should be able to make bet. But that is the case if instead of duplicating 
> the H-guy, you duplicate the H-Guy + the person (the witness) with whom he 
> make a bet. In that case, if you bet “W”, and the witness bet “M" then in W 
> you win the bet, and in M you lost the bet. In the irate case, you recover 
> the idea that by using the Pascal Triangle, you can maximise your benefits, 
> and this shows that we can use the Dutch Argument to define some 
> probabilities in simple duplication scenario (to be sure, the real case will 
> be in arithmetic where such simple case scenario can be shown to never occur, 
> and that is why the math is a bit more sophisticated there).
> If I understand you here, I think this is wrong. In the iterated case, the 
> 1pp probabilities are those calculated on each branch, and they are all valid 
> —

I don’t think so. On most branches the probability (or the indeterminacy) comes 
from the fact that most of the 1p(p) histories will be algorithmically 
incompressible, and thus highly non predictable, and behave, for n great, as 
random sequence. “W or M” will be the only always correct prediction, and P = 
1/2 will match well the ignorance in a set with a measure converging to the 
Gaussian. Most 1p or 1pp will just predict white noise, like we predict that a 
sheaf of light get divided by two when going through an half silvered mirror. 
The worlds/histories departing from the normal distribution get infinitesimally 
rare in the limit (and Dital Mechanism explains why we have to consider that 
limit, mainly the invariance of the first person experience for the delays of 
reconstitution in the arithmetical Universal Dovetailer.

> there is no 3p view (God's-eye-view) to contradict them.

They are aware of the protocol, and by definition, the protocol is respected, 
so they do have some 3p idea of what is going on.

> In the WM duplication, then the copies are able to meet and compare diaries, 
> so things are different,

That is what I am talking about. Eventually this will justify both the quantum 
MW and its formalisme.

> but  I am interest in the Many-worlds case, not classical single-world 
> duplication.

With mechanism, the quantum Many-Worlds (or any physics) has to  be explained 
by the single-body (or single population of bodies) duplication/multiplication 
occurring (virtually, arithmetically) in arithmetic.

If interested I can explain more. A lot of people miss that the notion of 
computation (i.e. the notion of universal machine and their executions) is a 
purely arithmetical notion. Gödel is the first to have shown this, but he did 
not realise what he as doing because he missed, in 1931, the Church Turing 
thesis, as he explained himself. Gödel will accept it later when reading Turing.


> Bruce
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