I have read Rovelli's paper. I am disappointed. What Rovelli suggest is 
eliminativism. Red (a) (what I see) does not exist but red (b) 
(electromagnetic wave peaking near 564–580 nm) exists.

Rovelli should have read first:

Donald D. Hoffman. The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth 
from Our Eyes, 2019.


Brent schrieb am Sonntag, 28. März 2021 um 00:35:27 UTC+1:

> -------- Forwarded Message -------- 
> *The Old Fisherman's Mistake*
> ROVELLI, Carlo (2021)  
> Abstract
> A number of thorny issues such as the nature of time, free will, the clash 
> of the manifest and scientific images, the possibility of a naturalistic 
> foundation of morality, and perhaps even the possibility of accounting for 
> consciousness in naturalistic terms, seem to me to be plagued by the 
> conceptual confusion nourished by a single fallacy: the old fisherman's 
> mistake.
> http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/18837/1/Pescatore.pdf 
> Rovelli has it exactly right.
> Brent

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