Am 02.04.2021 um 20:27 schrieb Brent Meeker:

On 4/1/2021 11:39 PM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
Only philosophically naive neuroscientists reject realism .

I am sorry, I have not understood your answer. Do you mean that a person sees red flowers directly? In the same physical location?

I don't know what you mean by "directly".

I mean direct vs. indirect realism:

We have a theory of how people see red flowers.  It involves photons and brain processes and red flowers that are in a location.  I'm pretty sure you're familiar with this theory.  Do you reject it?

Do you mean the picture from Gray's book? It seems that you reject it, not me. I accept this picture and I am just waiting until you accept it.

Or you mean that the virtual world that a person sees is similar to the physical world?

Do you agree with the virtual world theory or do you reject it?

I don't know what "the virtual world theory" is.

The theory you are talking about finishes by excitation of neurons in the brain. Hence we must say that what a person sees is the brain's reconstruction of the external world. So the person sees some virtual world made by the brain, hence the name "the virtual world theory".




Am 01.04.2021 um 22:20 schrieb 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List:

On 4/1/2021 8:10 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
Am 31.03.2021 um 20:16 schrieb Brent Meeker:
Yes, in general he sees the flowers where they are located (I don't know what "physically" adds to "located").  He can reach out with stick and accurately touch the flowers.  He can throw a ball and hit the flowers. If the lights were extinguished, then he could walk to the flowers in complete darkness.  So there is evidence that part of seeing the flowers is locating them in his model of the world.

But it is also possible he has been deceived by a hologram of flowers or he is delusional.

But none the above is affected by whether he accepts the modern theory of vision or Plato's theory...which was Rovelli's point.

Let me first remind you that neuroscience rejects naive realism.

So does Rovelli.  So what?

To this end, I have attached a picture from the book Jeffrey A. Gray, Consciousness: Creeping up on the Hard Problem. It shows us that signals from the external world come to the brain and all conscious experiences results from brain's activity. So everything what a person feels including "He can throw a ball and hit the flowers" is basically generated by the brain (hence the name: Virtual world theory). Gray puts it this way

"For, just like those inner sensations, that world out there is constructed by our brains and exists within our consciousness. In a very real sense, the world as we consciously experience it is not out there at all: it is inside each and every of us."

When we speak about physical locations of objects - we speak about something that on the picture is shown as "Real unperceived world". When we talk about "He can throw a ball and hit the flowers", this belongs to three boxes at the bottom (conscious experiences) and this is clearly located somewhere else as the physical objects.

Do you agree with what neuroscience says? Or you prefer naive realism? In my view the attached picture makes a big difference to what Rovelli says. Yet, let us clear a position in the respect to the attached picture. Do we accept it or do not?

Only philosophically naive neuroscientists reject realism . Gray imagines that because perception happens in the brain (a material object) that he can dismiss the physical world.  The physical world is a construct, but that doesn't mean it's unreal.  Here's Galen Strawson's explanation of why there is no "hard problem" of consciousness, with which I mostly agree:



On 3/31/2021 7:56 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
"Spatially separated"?   By how many meters?

It is a good question. Let us start with it. So a person sees red flowers as it has been shown in the colored part of the picture. The person sees the red flowers outside of him. However, could we say that the person sees the red flowers in the same position where the physical object is located? How would you answer this question? You changes in the picture do not give a clear answer to this question.


Am 30.03.2021 um 22:21 schrieb 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List:

On 3/30/2021 9:10 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:
> That is not at all what Rovelli says.  You still see red, but youhave > learned that it is due to 564-580nm photons exciting neurons in your eye > (b) and not rays reaching out from your eyes to contact redness (a).

I am afraid that it will not work this way. To show this, I have attached a picture from David Gamez, Human and Machine Consciousness, 2018. Primary and secondary qualities are not essential, what is important that manifest world (bubble of experience on the picture) is spatially separated

"Spatially separated"?   By how many meters?

from the external world (black and white part). Photons from red flowers belongs to the external world but a person sees the red flowers somewhere else.

Which is completely beside Rovelli's point.  Rovelli is comparing two models of the external world that are both compatible with the manifest world.  Your cartoon version should be:

The spacial separation of the two worlds sometimes is referred to as the virtual world theory (Gamez's book is good illustration to this end). This directly follows from what you have written - information comes into the eyes and it does not come out. So the manifest world that the person sees is completely separated from the external physical world.

That's self-contradictory.  If it's "completely separated" then information cannot come in.

One could claim that the external world is still similar to the manifest world as on the attached figure. Yet the main point of Hoffman's book that evolution must produce an opposite result.

No.  His point is not that that it's the "opposite" of similar...whatever that would mean.  His point is that it's not identical and necessarily so in order that it serve natural selection. But the scientific theory of he world must be consistent with the manifest world...that's what empirical means.

Science is just common sense writ large and pursued rigorously.

So provided we believe in evolution we must say that the attached picture is wrong. Rather we should talk about pic. 2.7 on the link below - that is, about a thing in itself.


Am 30.03.2021 um 03:29 schrieb 'Brent Meeker' via Everything List:

On 3/29/2021 5:17 PM, Lawrence Crowell wrote:
Rovelli is a loop quantum gravitation maven. This is a very ontological physics, and explains in part Rovelli's stance. The though has occurred to me that maybe LQG states are the kernel of some sort of target map. Either than or they are epistemic/ontologically uncertain and in an epistemic setting target map to zero.


On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 2:05:33 PM UTC-5 wrote:

    I have read Rovelli's paper. I am disappointed.What Rovelli
    suggest is eliminativism. Red (a) (what I see) doesnot exist but     red (b) (electromagnetic wave peaking near 564–580 nm) exists.

That is not at all what Rovelli says.  You still see red, but you have learned that it is due to 564-580nm photons exciting neurons in your eye (b) and not rays reaching out from your eyes to contact redness (a). Rovelli is replacing one conceptualization with another...and telling us we should not become overly attached to a conceptualization. I'm reminded of Lemaitre advising the Pope to not tie faith in the creation to the Big Bang.

    Rovelli should have read first:

    Donald D. Hoffman. The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the
    Truth from Our Eyes, 2019.

I don't think Rovelli would have any argument with it. He certainly doesn't hold that the manifest world, which evolution has provided, is the real world.  Physics is all about using instruments and experiments and theories to find a more comprehensive and consistent concept of the world that produces the manifest world.



    Brent schrieb am Sonntag, 28. März 2021 um00:35:27 UTC+1:

        -------- Forwarded Message --------

        *The Old Fisherman's Mistake*

        ROVELLI, Carlo (2021)


        A number of thorny issues such as the nature of time, free         will, the clash of the manifest and scientific images, the
        possibility of a naturalistic foundation of morality, and
        perhaps even the possibility of accounting for consciousness
        in naturalistic terms, seemto me to be plagued by the
        conceptual confusion nourished by a single fallacy: the old
        fisherman's mistake.

        Rovelli has it exactly right.


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