If I had to conjecture, I would say maybe this is a natural maser. This may 
have two possible sources, some configuration of gas near the Sgr*A black 
hole or from the black hole itself.

In the first case the environment with ionizing radiation and UV photons 
that excite atoms, maybe there is a population inversion. Atoms in some 
ionized region might acts as atoms in an RF cavity and there is then a 
natural maser established.

The second with the black hole is the rotation of the black hole blue 
shifts light along the direction of rotation and red shifts them in the 
opposite direction. This superradiance then acts as a way to create a 
population inversion of atomic states nears the black hole. In this case 
the radiation we receive is highly redshifted as it escapes the black hole.

It is unlikely to be ETI. Life in this region, except for maybe subsurface 
microbes, is tough. Complex life such as anything intelligent is very 


On Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 11:44:32 AM UTC-5 johnk...@gmail.com 

> On Wed, Oct 13, 2021 at 11:48 AM <spudb...@aol.com> wrote:
> *> Scanned this yesterday, JC. I always hope for the SETI result,*
> There is zero evidence this has anything to do with ET.  
> > *and it always disappoints.*
> That's because every time a new astronomical discovery is made that cannot 
> immediately be explained somebody ALWAYS says it must be ET.  Personally, 
> because I am unable to find a flaw in the Great Flter argument,  I would 
> be devastated if we detected ET;  it would mean the civilization we 
> received a radio message from would have almost certainly been destroyed by 
> now, and the future of the human race is likely to be very bleak indeed. I 
> like to think the reason we haven't detected any other civilization already 
> is because we are the first, not because we just haven't encountered the 
> mysterious civilization destroying phenomenon yet that every intelligent 
> species always eventually finds itself facing.
> The Great Filter <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Filter>
>> > Even if it was ETI working on a black hole project for their own (its 
>> own?) benefit, always there is the simpler explanation that covers the 
>> evidence.
> There is no known mechanism by which a Black Hole or a Neutron Star could 
> produce radio waves and nothing else, much less highly circularly 
> polarized radio waves.
>> *> neutron stars falling into the alleged AGN, active galactic nucleus to 
>> perform just as you have described.  *
> That would produce massive amounts of X-Rays and Gamma Rays as well as 
> visible light, but there was none, only an intense burst of circularly 
> polarized radio waves emanating from a very compact object at irregular 
> times.
> John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis 
> <https://groups.google.com/g/extropolis>
> no2

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