On Tue, Apr 5, 2022 at 7:09 AM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> On 04-04-2022 01:38, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> >
> > The standard model, and quantum field theory, are local because they
> > were made that way. A fundamental assumption of QFT is
> > micro-causality, namely, the assumption is that all field commutators
> > vanish outside the light cone. This assumption imposes strict
> > locality. But it is an assumption -- not a God-given truth. There are
> > clear reasons for supposing that this assumption cannot be universally
> > valid, since non-local effects, as evidenced by non-separable states,
> > are clearly present in the world.
> >
> QFT is consistent with all of the low energy physics we know about
> including bell-type experiments, because it's ultimately just QM applied
> to fields.

QFT is not used in Bell correlation experiments. So that comment is

States can be non-local, but interactions are local and non-local states
> can be created locally from separable states.

Sure. But the singlet non-separable state does not refer to any specific
distance between the particles. When they are moved apart, the entangled
state remains non-separable. But when a measurement on one particle then
affects the other particle, that is a non-local effect, by definition.

> To make this point even more strongly, I would urge you to come up
> > with an actual local account of the Bell correlations -- and that
> > means that you can no longer simply assume that it must be local
> > because everything is local -- you have to give the details of the
> > local mechanisms that make it all happen, in which "time evolution
> > step by step proceeds in a manifestly local way". I am completely
> > confident that you cannot do this -- if you could, you would have
> > produced this local account long ago, rather than relying on some
> > unspecified magic to make everything work out.
> One can just put an entire Bell-type experiment in a quantum computer
> create entangled qubit states using Hadamard and CNOT operations and
> then let two programs representing Alice and Bob do measurements. Then
> everything is always manifestly local from start to finish. Doing this
> exercise will then make clear that in the MWI it's important to define
> observers as algorithms and that this then defines a preferred basis.
> I'll write up the details later.

I have pointed out in another email that this is essentially irrelevant.
Aspect's experiment was not conducted in a quantum computer, and it is
Aspect's experiments that you are required to explain.


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