On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 10:57 PM Bruce Kellett <bhkellet...@gmail.com>

*> An important component of Everett's idea was that quantum evolution was
> unitary.*

Any idea that does not conform with quantum evolution being unitary is an
idea that does not conform with experimental evidence and thus has been
proven to be incorrect.

*> If one wants to persist with unitary evolution, one cannot avoid the
> Schrodinger equation. This has a number of consequences for the theory. One
> is that the theory is deterministic -- there are no probabilities*

No probabilities are needed from a Multiverse point of view, but for any
observer in any particular universe there can only be probabilities because
for them some information is unavailable, and that's what probabilities are
all about, doing the best you can with incomplete information.

*> and all outcomes of an experiment are, in some real sense, equivalent.*

Everett's idea is that if Schrodinger's Equation means what it says then all
outcomes of an experiment are EXACTLY equivalent to being real. And all
those many worlds are not an assumption of Everett's idea, they are a
consequence of it.

*> If every outcome is realized on every trial of a binary process, then*
> [...]

...then observers in each branche will conclude that when they look at any
process for more fundemental things with finer and finer resolution
ultimately they MUST come to a binary process because there is a limit to
how simple things can get, and to understand something means you can see
how simplicity can make complexity. A process means turning one thing into
something else, and nothing is simpler than on or off, and no process is
simpler than turning on into off, or 0 into 1.

*> Observers in these branches will naturally take the probability to be
> approximated by the relative frequencies of 0s and 1s.*

If we're talking fundamentals how could it be otherwise? This email does
not contain an equal number of letters, but if you looked more closely at
it and digitized it you'd find it would contain very nearly as many zeros
as ones, and if a text compression program like zip was used on it the
number of zeros and ones would come even closer to being the same.

 John K Clark    See what's on my new list at  Extropolis

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