On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 3:16 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:

> On 11-05-2022 06:01, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> > On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 1:51 PM smitra <smi...@zonnet.nl> wrote:
> >
> >> On 09-05-2022 00:42, Bruce Kellett wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Such models are certainly inconsistent with the SE. So if your concern
> >>> is that the SE does not contain provision for a collapse, then you
> >>> should doubt other theories that violate the SE. You can't have it
> >>> both ways: you can't reject collapse models because they violate the
> >>> SE and then embrace other models that also violate the SE. Either the
> >>> SE is universally correct, or it is not.
> >>>
> >>>> What matters is that such models can be
> >>>> formulated in a mathematically consistent way, which demonstrates that
> >>>> there is n o contradiction. The physical plausibility of such models
> >>>> is another issue.
> >>>
> >>
> >> As Brent has also pointed out, there amount of information in the
> >> visible universe is finite.
> >
> > That does not limit the number of branches. A finite universe does not
> > limit the number of points in a line.
> There is no such thing as a mathematical continuum in the real physical
> world.

Can you prove that? There is no evidence that space and time are discrete.

There are only a finite number of distinct quantum states
> available for a finite universe.

Who proved that the universe was finite?

This is clear for states below some
> total energy E. But there is an upper limit to the total energy due to
> gravitational collapse when the energy exceeds a certain limit.
> >> But one can also consider observers and then
> >> each observer has a some finite memory so there are only a finite
> >> number of branches the observer can distinguish between.
> >
> > That does not follow.
> >
> If there are only a finite number of states the entire universe can be
> in, then that's also true for observers.

That simply begs the question.


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